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Bird Seed Shells


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Every morning as I change out the seed dish in Annie's cage, I notice that a lot of the seed is still intact as she doesn't eat it all since she eats some other foods. That seems like a lot of waste. Besides going through it by "hand" and removing the shells, is there a faster, easier way of doing this? Has anyone invented something to do this? :P Just figured I'd ask in case such a thing exists.

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Welcome to the world of parrots. They don't eat all of some things, eat alot of other things, fling a lot of food out of a bowl, go after certain things first. The best thing to do if you feel that a waste is there is to buy a different brand. That even applies to treats. there's some very expensive ones out there and some birds won't touch them. Get a less expensive one and the bird devours it and it can work visa versa. Same thing goes for veggies etc

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Thanks for the tips. She likes her food, she just doesn't always eat it all since she has the other food dish with fresh foods. I also asked because I saw this product, and although it seems like a super idea, I was thinking that if the food gets "recycled", then the empty hulls go in as well.


Bird Feeder

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I know about that wind thing. We only feed enough seed for the day along with their other food, on day two we add some more and day three what is left we add to the wild bird food for the otside birds and start over. Also any pellots and other food at the bottom of the cage go to the outside birds also.

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When I was a kid my mom took me to a ladies house who breed small birds, they were in the front yard dumping buckets of used seeds into empty buckets and had a vacuum nozzle right by where the seeds were pouring to suck out the hulls.

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