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Meet sterling gris!


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Louie and Ana Grey have determined that, darn it, Sterling is not going anywhere and they have gotten tired of being sent to their room and scolded all the time. So they pretty much leave Sterling alone now. Beside Sterling is no wuss and much larger than either of them so as the vet said, Sterling will probably be ruling the roost in no time.

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OMG!!!!!! Just found this thread......... Indeed, Congrats on the new baby grey!!!! When I wished you Happy Birthday the other day, I had NO IDEA that you FINALLY had a new baby after all you've gone thru these past months !!! You must be simply thrilled to death after all your heartaches of finding a new CAG. I'm sure he will fit in nicely once Ana Grey teaches him the rules of the house !! LOL

I'm finding more & more we have in common......... We're both retired (we have all day long to devote to being parronts), our BD's are on the 21st of the month (i'll be 64 this Nov. 21st), we both have Jeeps (mines yellow & i've had it 5 yrs. since it was new--I have dreams of cruising w/ the top off & Roscoe on my shoulder--that will never happen!!), we both have a blood condition, and, of course, are "bird ladies" who want nothing more in life than to be loved unconditionally by our fids !!!

You never cease to amaze me with your wisdom & I want to hear LOT'S MORE abt. your new baby boy !!!

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Yes it is a weeping fig that I have had for over twenty years. If it is toxic my fids must be immune because they have always been around it and are still fine.



Luvparrots, not to worry--







are all safe for parrots

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Thanks guys - luckly we gave ours to a neighbor that said we can have it back at anytime.


Is their a certain site(s) you guys trust more than others in such a situation that conflicting answers can be found?


Sorry for the hijack -



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Thanks guys - luckly we gave ours to a neighbor that said we can have it back at anytime.


Is their a certain site(s) you guys trust more than others in such a situation that conflicting answers can be found?


Sorry for the hijack -




This is one that I've used for years. It lists toxic and non toxic plants. It's very acurate. There are other lists though.




Look for









on left side of page.

Edited by Dave007
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OK... now that is solved. Weeping Figs are safe. Could we get back to the subject of this thread ? Janet: I'm so curious to hear an update on Sterling Gris -- & how is Ana Grey?? What does Louie think of him???

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Thanks for asking about Sterling Gris, Gwen. He is just fine. He has given up his one helping of formula now and weighs in at 505 g. He is very sweet and independent. The other two have decided they do not like being put in their cages for trying to bully Sterling and more or less have given up that exercise. Sterling is not a timid guy. Actually he outweighs the other two easily. He is sitting on my shoulder while I type having shooed off Ana Grey from the back of the chair. Although I still watch them all closely, Sterling is a very sweet and independent grey. I think I am very fortunate to have parrots that very confident in themselves.

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