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Fluffy Que


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I know what you mean, Tari, especially my sun conure, I can hardly get a photo of her as she is in constant movement.


Thats exactly how they look when fluffed up and happy, looks just like Josey, thanks for sharing these with us.<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2007/09/10 02:48

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TARI: how are you. Thanks for posting these pics. This was a great idea.


But... if this is what they look like when happy, then what does angry look like? :S Cause Tonto has a look similar to the first pic, but not soo fluffy. His neck is usually fluffy.<br><br>Post edited by: Falconeer, at: 2007/09/09 18:17

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If this was'nt a bird forum, you would think it is a problems taking photos of children. You have to wait until they are ready, and you have to live looking through a little peep hole. Could you think what it would be like making a living doing that:evil:


Do you drink or take Tranquilizers?




Great photos.<br><br>Post edited by: nevjoe, at: 2007/09/09 18:39

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As a grey gets older, what's in that photo is exactly what they'll do when they feel annoyed or bothered with a person who is trying to pet or touch them but doesn't want to be petted or touched. The head lowers a little bit, the bird is all fluffy on head, breast down to top of tail. That body language is a warning that if the person continues, the bird will bite. The reason for the fluffing has to do with what they do in the wild when they feel threatened by other birds. Fluffing is their way of showing that they are bigger than they actually are. Many people mistake that fluffing by thinking the bird wants to be petted. Experienced owners of greys here can tell you about that reaction of the bird.


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Guest briansmum

brian sits exactly like that all fluffy when he is happy and content. when he is angy he lowers he head and his feathers are more "on end" and spikey. thats deffinately a happy bird in those picures.


they do fluff when they are mad, but it's a distinctly different fluff to the one Que is displaying so nicely for us.

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Mine does not fluff when mad just when happy. When afraid or mad he slicks down and stands reall tall. But then again my Que has yet to bite me.

She fluffs up like that when I ask her if she wants to come visit. And then runs to the top of the cage to hand upside down cause that how she likes to step up out of the cage. :woohoo:

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Dayo Fluffs different also depending on if he's just relaxing or angry/after something.


The satisfied, relaxing fluff is just all over, looking around, eyes maybe blinking as if he's going to go to sleep.


The angry, aggressive fluff is different in body stance, eyes pinned, head could be down or way up etc.


You will learn the difference as you watch your Grey closely. You just need to pay careful observance to his body language language meaning eye's, stance, feather pattern of ruffle etc.


Hope this helps. :-)

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