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Word or Phrase of the Day


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Brutus' phase of the day are sentences involving the word "yogurt" as in: Do you want some yogurt? or Yogurt is good isn't it? He seems to love to pronounce the word and dwells on the "g". It is funny what they get stuck on saying.

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LOL @ Ray, what a greeting that will bring out a laugh!! :P


In regards using words in various combinations of words, they are doing two things as others mentioned, 1) Calibrating the word to perfection. 2) Using that new word along with others word and phrases they know to see how it can be properly used in a way that makes sense. Sometimes the phrases they come up with are hilarious.


One thing to note as well, sometimes they combine two words that really do not make any sense to us. But, to them it truly means something they are trying to communicate. An example of this with our grey Dayo, would be the combination of "Chicken" along with other meats or meat containing dishes he likes. The he will say "Mmmmmm Chicken Meatloaf".


I am still analyzing and trying to figure out what he means by that. He will say meatloaf by itself, but most times he will say chicken meatloaf as if it is giving it more emphasis.

Edited by danmcq
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Lol, I enjoy reading these phrases our birds come up with or become obsessed with! Biscotti really like to say peanut butter & will throw it in to phrases where it doesn't fit. It is so funny! Ho, ho, ho merry peanut butter! Ride em' peanut butter!! are a couple. Cracks me up. :)

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In reference to what Dan said about combining words. Brutus always hears, "You're a good boy" and "You're a nice boy", so he logically combined "good" and "nice" because (I guess) he thought it was a superior assessment of his quality. He says, " Brutus is a good nice" which I guess is better than either word by itself.

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Haha, Cosmo combined phrases and tells us "You're a good poop!" for cleaning up his poop :D


We have him 90% potty trained to go on certain perches when loose. So we always ask "Have to go poop?" then place him on his potty perch and when he goes encourage him with "You're a good boy/bird!". Now when he does it on his own he'll fly to the perch and say "Go poop? Good boy!" then go. From that he decided that whoever cleans it up is a "Good poop!", we take it as a compliment of course lol

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