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More Marcus One-Liners


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^^ For lack of a better title, yes, I am sharing more of Marcus' comments today with everyone!


He's been his wonderfully sweet self lately, very occasionally bratty, but always my darling boy. Recently Marcus has actually made a few jaunts into the bathroom where he stepped-up willingly to the towel rack; and then the other day when I pushed his playgym out into the den, he let me take him out of the birdroom to hang out on his gym while I worked out there on the floor. So he's opening up to new experiences around here a bit more, which is a big plus!! And over the past couple of days, Marcus has said two noteworthy (to me) things, which I would like to share here. :)


Scenario #1: It was two evenings ago when it was just about bedtime for the boys, and I was in the birdroom getting everyone ready for bed. Marcus' wet food bowl was a little dirty, so I wanted to clean it up for the night. He was sitting on his perch that we have affixed to his door, which swings open with the door whenever the door is opened; I've taught him to sit on that as an indicator of wanting to come out of his cage or not. Well, he was sitting there, probably hoping I'd let him stay up a bit later, but I definitely wanted him and the others to go to bed! So when I opened his door to reach for his food bowl (the little food-door isn't usable at this point) Marcus suddenly lunged at me and bit my arm! It wasn't a great big deal, it didn't draw blood, but I was a little shocked and it did pinch quite a bit; it was like a twisting of the skin. So I gasped a little and said something like, "Marcus, stop that!"


"Oh, it's okay," he told me easily. It did run through my head that perhaps he meant, Oh, it's okay, I didn't really hurt you, but then when I went to pull my arm out he bit me again--and then again!


At the third bite, I looked at him and said, "Marcus, that hurts!" and he just kind of looked at me like he was a bit put out, almost sulking: Oh, fine. My husband, when I told him of the incident a few moments later, pointed out that we had him pretty riled up from playing and stuff earlier (it was the day he went in the other room on his playgym for the first time, and flew halfway across the house to boot). He thought maybe Marcus just was being frisky or something. I figured as much, they weren't mean bites or angry bites--but they did still hurt a bit! The silly boy.


Scenario #2: Apparently I'm a creature of habit, for whenever I have to go out of the house for any great length of time I seem to always run out of the shower to dry myself in the boys' room, there telling them how I have to go, I have to leave--whatever the verb of the day is. So my husband wasn't home from work last night when I had to start running around to leave for a few hours. I popped out of the shower and was running around getting ready when I suddenly heard Marcus call to me the garbled-sounding, "You gotta go?" (It was like the fluidity of "normal" intonation was off--very Marcus!!) So I said, "Yes, Mommy has to go, but Daddy will be home soon!" That answer seemed to suffice, but of course he made his siren sound and then imitated a telephone when I closed the door of the boys' room later, to then lock up and run outside and wait for my ride. I heard Marcus make a few more other loud noises while I waited out front, too... he makes me feel so bad sometimes that I can't take him everywhere with me! Ah, well.


But those two are just my new Marcus-isms to share for now. Further updates will be posted as warranted! :)

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I have to agree. It is great hearing these stories! It has been so fun to enjoy the adventure from you getting Marcus through his blending in with his family. There are others here who have started us on the journey and now they are missing in action. Thanks for keeping it up!

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Thank you for all the sweet comments, everyone! I know I very much like to read everyone else's stories of their fids, so I try to keep regular updates here of Marcus too. Besides, it helps an occasionally scatter-brained mommy remember the funny and/or memorable incidents, as well! :P


I actually should have waited a little longer to post today, since Marcus said something else just this morning... I had the boys out in the birdroom, and Marcus was on the top of his cage, chewing on a piece of paper I had given him. Tybalt suddenly alighted on the cagetop grapevine perch next to Marcus' cage, and Marcus lowered the paper still clutched in his foot to look at Tybalt, almost indignantly. Marcus said brusquely (if Greys can be said to be brusque), "What are you doing over here?" Haha, I wanted to laugh out loud, apparently Tybalt had no business being so close to Marcus like that!!

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Do you tell Marcus that when he comes over or did he just pick it up some where?


Marcus has a penchant for trying to chew on the doorstop affixed to the door of the birdroom. Whenever he starts meandering over there on the floor, I often say, "What are you doing over there?" in a very meaningful 'Mommy' tone. But as far as I know/can recall, neither myself nor my hubby has ever asked "What are you doing over here?" in the boys' presence. So I imagine that Marcus just replaced the word there with the word here this morning, since he was savvy enough to replace the commonly-heard I with you in his "You gotta go?" last night. He's a bright boy, like so many other Greys I read about here... Honestly, my mind is still blown from Jay and Maggie's adopted Joey telling them his name "is Joey, NOT Jim." And there are so many other stories here in the forums that really can make you wonder, these parrots are an awful lot more intelligent than most people give them credit for...


Marcus, is such a joy to hear about. I just love the way you put your stories. You need to be careful, Marcus is going to be the smartest one in the whole house. LOL


Hehe, thanks Shelly! ;):P

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I read a story years ago and it's one reason why I've always wanted an African Grey. The writer had a Grey and a dog named Bowzer. The Grey enjoyed taunting the dog and (in the woman's voice) say, "Bowzer! Do you wanna go out? You wanna go out" and poor Bowzer would be clawing at the door to go out while the Grey laughed and laughed! He would also occassionally bark like Bowzer and laugh when Bowzer got yelled at. The owner would know she had been had! But the story that got me is when Bowzer became ill. He was dying and the owner was sitting on the floor with him with his head in her lap and crying. The Grey said, "Awwww, Bowzer bad boy?" That broke my heart and also gave a big insight into the intelligence and communication skills of these magnificent birds.

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I read a story years ago and it's one reason why I've always wanted an African Grey. The writer had a Grey and a dog named Bowzer. The Grey enjoyed taunting the dog and (in the woman's voice) say, "Bowzer! Do you wanna go out? You wanna go out" and poor Bowzer would be clawing at the door to go out while the Grey laughed and laughed! He would also occassionally bark like Bowzer and laugh when Bowzer got yelled at. The owner would know she had been had! But the story that got me is when Bowzer became ill. He was dying and the owner was sitting on the floor with him with his head in her lap and crying. The Grey said, "Awwww, Bowzer bad boy?" That broke my heart and also gave a big insight into the intelligence and communication skills of these magnificent birds.


Oh my goodness, I think I read about that story too!!! I can't think of where it was, but that ending part with the poor dog dying :( sounds so familiar... I want to say the writer recognized that their Grey had no other words to express the emotions and sadness it was feeling at that moment. Touching, and obviously memorable, yet so sad.

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