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Is Judy away ?


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Yeah I have been stealing a few moments on my son's laptop, but I will be back Sunday night with a vengenance so watch out guys.


My son lives about 4 hours away and we take a weekend now and then to go visit and do some things while there, like go to the Yankee Peddler festival this weekend.


Nice to know I am missed, thanks Tracy.

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Never fear, Judy is here, I went on a little weekend jaunt, the second in a row for weekends, but now I am back and I don't have another planned for awhile. But nice to know I am missed here, but please don't shed any tears, it would break my heart.


Seems like a lot happens when I am gone and I will stay here for now, post my little heart out, I have to keep my count up for Dan is trying his darndest to narrow the gap between his and my post count.

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