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Advice for getting Sully used to a new environment?


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We're moving!


Exciting for us, stressful for the babies...


I know how to get birds used to a new environment and people when it comes to an established home, but things will be hectic at both places for the next week or so. Any advice on ways to keep our fids (Sully, especially) calm and de-stressed? The new place we're moving to has a dog living upstairs (which he's never heard or seen one)... Any ideas on how to keep him relaxed in a hectic environement?

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I moved just last week so I can tell you what I did but it could have gone better so I'm waiting for other people to post as well;-)

I made sure everything is in its proper place when Zak came. No boxes laying around. Everything was tidy and clean. First we brought his playstands, put up his boings and cage. Decorated the cage with his familiar toys. While doing that he was in a carrier and someone was talking to him the whole time because being in the carrier is also stressful to him. When all preparation was finished (it didnt take long) family gathered and we let him out of the carrier. He was extremely cautious but we cheered and encouraged him every step of the way. Never the less, he was very scared and nervous the first night and a part of the next morning. Not proud to say, but he wouldn't get in the cage on his own that first night and he didn't eat till next day. In our case, it looks that the best help was that we let him out the next morning, fed him some treets and let him explore the apartment. So when he decided on his own that the surrounding is not so scarry he calmed down and got back in the cage to eat. Windows were the problem but now that is ok too. He gets scared by the noises in the building because it is all new to him but I calm him down, talk to him a lot and make him new toy(s) every day so he would stay preocupied with other things.

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Thanks Morana for the good advice from someone who just moved. I would talk to Sully and let him know what you are doing, you would be surprised at how much they understand if we take the time to tell them as we are doing it. He will probably be scared some at first but just talk to him calmly and let him know its ok. Hopefully some others who have recently moved will chime in with their suggestions.

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We just moved and it went well. I do think explaining to Sully what is going to be happening is helpful. Not only did we move, but we drove across the country with a parrot in each car. I was worried how they would do in a car, but they both travelled like champs! Once in the new house it was very hectic with movers coming and going. When things settled down we let Brutus out to explore. He was not happy with our strange new house, so he hid in the darkened bedroom closet for most of the next couple of days. I think it took a month or more before he was back to being his goofy, joyful self. Good luck with the move.And remember, this too shall pass...

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