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Hello Forum my name is Todd. I've been lurking here as I have been making my decision to live with a CAG. I finally found a good local breeder and have made my decision to get a CAG. I wanted a female and I received the DNA results last night from the bird that choose me. This will be my first female bird that I have kept.

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Does anyone know if the app from the iPhone TapTalk works with this forum? I searched for it on the app but couldn't get TapTalk to find this forum. I can get Safari to find the forum on my iPhone but not TapTalk. Taptalk makes using a forum so much easier. Any thoughts or ideas members?

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Well I'm just checking in. Had celebratory scotch neat because of Ms. Ruby Julz. I must say her demeanor and acceptableness to me was profound. She was hungry and I quelled her while her brother honked for food in her presence. I never fed (I have before) because I wanted to quell her, it worked. I can say, I'm her human. I paid my deposit and will be ordering my gear tomorrow.


I am nervous and so is my GF. I guess that's good because we both understand the length of commitment that has to be given. All my animals are in my will as it is and I have more than enough to spread to my parrot. Both my girl and I spoke of this and came to the conclusion that IT'S SORTA WEIRD, however, it is a reality.


Senior owners please chime in...is it normal to be scared. The commitment? I feel like I'm having a daughter almost, normal? How does it feel after years of husbandry?


I will post my pics tomorrow and they're "awesomeo!" I have a buzz and need to hit the hay. It was surreal to have that birdie in my arms, she (Ruby Julz) was so sweet...I cant wait.

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Yes its ok to be a little nervous but don't let it show in your interactions with Ruby Julz as she will sense that and it may cause problems, just relax and enjoy your baby, it is a big committment but if this is what you want then just let nature take it course. Ruby will become a part of your family much like a new human child that you will love no less than a human baby, they tend to grab the heartstrings and never let go so sit back and enjoy the ride.

I look forward to seeing those "awesomeo" pictures you have, don't make us wait too long though!

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Thank you for asking Cupid, I have. My GF and I went Monday and spent some time with her. She was flapping those wings and ran to me at the side of her container. I was astonished, however, the Breeder, my GF and I all looked at each other like...that just happened. I didn't stay for more than an hour and I held her the entire time. I called the Breeder today coincidentally to get an update. Update- nothing has changed since Monday. I'm so impatient, which is funny considering the lifetime I have ahead with Ms. Ruby.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK Forum here it is, I have never been more excited and nervous at the same time. This will be my last visit before Ruby comes home. She weighs 412g and is nothing more than a joy. She's the sweetest bird I've ever been around. She recognizes me every week (sometimes I go twice) as yell her name when I walk into the room. I've been putting her on the dogs at the breeders. She flies to me and steps up on command. She's very cognitive and fully aware that she's mine. I work every time with her playing wing inspect, lie on your back, proper behavior modification and vet visit ready. I am making her accustomed to what ever I want her to do, constantly building trust in any situation. This will be my first bird that I've ever had a cage for. I've been reading constantly out here and speaking with other bird owners/lovers. Picking through their experiences using what I believe to be scientific and common sense. The same with this forum and I thank all members for your info, experience and thoughts. I wouldn't be half as confident if it weren't for this forum's plethora of information. Nor would I be as confident with out knowing that if a problem arises I have GREY FORUM to go to. Just a big thanks to all the members out here. Luckily, a world renowned Avian Vet is 10 miles away and he's waiting on Ruby and I.


I would love to hear some last minute advice if there is any. The one thing you would of changed if you could do it over again. The thing you wished you would've done. Anything is welcome.


Thanks you so much GREY FORUM!

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The only thing I can suggest is to not have her wings clipped, let her have the freedom of flight as she will be a more confident bird, you have read the pros and cons and if you make your home safe for her when she is out of the cage then it will work out for both of you. So excited for you as it is a special time when you bring your precious one home to stay.

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You've made 200 posts before you ever got the bird. I'm not even going to try to guess how much you've read or how many people you've talked to. That might indicate that you've done some homework.


You've thought it thru pretty thoroughly. You certainly appear qualified as parront material. You're also likely pre-disposed toward becoming a grey-aholic (& we think that's a good thing).


When the unexpected happens, there are 7,289 (I looked it up!) Grey Forums members from around the world who have been there & done, well, something like that. Odds are you & your GF will have some help & support when you need it.


You did check the camera batteries, right? You know we'll all want to see a whole lot of pics by the end of Ruby's first day.


You've done everything you could to prepare yourself for the Grey't Adventure. So my suggestion is sit back & just take a deep breath. It's all good & it's about to get better than you even imagined!

Edited by birdhouse
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