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Brought him home today!

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He really is awesome! I LOVE him. He hatched in January, and we were waiting to move to bring him home with us. He is our only feathered baby, he has 2 human sisters, and we also have 3 dogs. He talks a little, but I am sure he will start more now that he is with us instead of a lot of other birds.

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It will be an interesting ride that is for sure. Glad to have found some other "bird" people to share it with.


You have come to the right place. Non-bird people really don't get it. Everybody here LOVES the stories, the questions, the concerns. And most of all, THE PICTURES! I think I can speak for everyone and say that we can never get enough of hearing the cute antics, new words, crazy playtimes and any and all pictures. I know that I love to have all these birds brought to life in pictures. I can never get enough.

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Welcome to the place other "bird people" understand what it is to have a life that includes our little grey bundles of energy, humor, challenge and lots of love. Five is adorable. Congratulations on your new home and your new love. Can't wait to hear the story of name choice and how things are going in your little piece of bird heaven.

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Hello Rlmd and welcome to our family, you have a great looking grey from the pictures you shared and that is a great name. Is there a story of how he came to be named Five?


His name came from living with a couple other birds in a nursery at a bird store. We would always talk about how the cockatoos act like 2 year olds and macaws like 4 year olds. He being a grey always acted like he was above them, so we named him Five. We had a heck of a time trying to pick a name for him but Five just seemed to stick.

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He seems to be adjusting really well to our home. Although when we put him in the cage and shut the door he makes a lot of noise. He is pretty happy if either the door is open, or he is on his playtop. I think the fact that we visited him for a few months in the bird store helped, he knows us very well already. I will have to take some more pictures of him and his cage to post for you all to look at.

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Then he is aptly named for he is above the rest of the crowd and thats cute how he got his name.

Five probably likes the time out of his cage so he seems happiest when the door is open or he is out spending time with his new flock.

Please do share some more pictures of Five when you get the chance.

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Greys always seam to be a cut above the rest. Owners of other parrots please don`t be to hard on me I love a zon to.


Oh don't get me wrong, we went back and forth trying to pick the right bird for us. Greys weren't even on the list, but as soon as I saw him I was in love. We were stuck between a goffin, eclectus, or a macaw. Then I saw that black beak with all that grey it was over. Maybe someday we will add to our flock but for now we are content to spend our time loving him.

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