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Eva is doing well!


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Eva had her first weigh in this morning... she lost just 9 grams since I bought her home, which I'm told is normal, considering she's in a much bigger cage now and gets more exercise. She had a great time in the car ride and enjoyed seeing all her old friends at the store.


The staff was really happy to see her, everyone missed her! I'm bringing her back Wednesday or Thursday to get weighed once more to make sure she's not losing any more weight.


She's been such a joy and seems truly happy in her new home. Here's a pic of BB Chu and her on the new play stand, they don't get along to well, but just ignore each other mostly:



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She does seem to like the top of the play stand, she's still a baby though and I really have to watch her on the stand, she's clipped and often times if I walk away she jumps from it to come after me. She's not clipped too much so she does have a long graceful landing, but it makes me nervous still.

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She is just such a cutie. I love that she tries to follow you. You have a bright and happy play area for Eva and BB Chu. Glad they are able to be together without too much fuss. Thanks for the pictures, I love to see these baby pictures and happy homes.

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Cool stand for Eva, did you make it or buy it made?


I made it out of 3/4" PVC then wrapped it in vet tape. I got all the PVC needed for under $15. The most expensive part was the vet tape, 25 rolls for $35 dollars on EBAY. I didn't know how much I would need so got more instead of less, and only needed about 4 rolls. So I have about 20 rolls of vet tape left over, so definitely I will be doing some more projects soon. I had help from my boy friend cutting the PVC and drilling the holes for stainless steel hooks to add toys, but I designed it myself. I also found at Home Depot vinyl liner for the carpet for only $1 per foot so I used that underneath for easy cleaning.


I had so much fun building it and it only took about 2 hours once we had everything we needed!

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