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OMG!!! I saw Morgan was facing the wall in his room, which he has NEVER done before, so I went in to talk to him and see what was up. I glance over to a side table, and there's a snake on it!!!! It's a common brown snake. About 6-8" long and as big around as my little finger. So I tried to catch it, but failed. It slid to the floor and then behind a filing cabinet. I pulled the cabinet out, but of course, no snake. I have moved Morgan into my bedroom, and now we are both terrified. I hate snakes. I don't do snakes. Any suggestions how to find/catch this thing?

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Me too. I tried to pick it up with tongs. Was going to put it in a bag and take it back outside. I had no idea how fast it would move and I screamed. Poor Morgan, witnessing all of this. I called a wildlife rehabilitation place in the area, and they said I may never see it again. Great (not. I would rather know it was gone.) They also said to get something called Snake Away and put it around the house, which I will do.

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I do not like snakes eather, but mice and rats I like less. We have chickens, ducks, rsbbite and goats and when you have that much feed around in the barn you get rodents and one good black snake will keep them in check. When the rodents are gone the snake leaves.

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You said it, Zoom. Now I've got mice??? I've never seen evidence of a mouse in my house. Plus this little snake did not look big enough to take on a mouse, but maybe I'm wrong. Last July 3rd the water main broke in my driveway. This year a snake. I don't think July 3 is my day....

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I don't like snakes either and don't want them in my house but if I see one outside and it is black I leave it alone as it eats mice and such. Of course those same snakes may be eating eggs they find and this is what has happened to a few we have seen gone missing but then you have to take the good along with the bad.

It will be very hard to find a snake that small in your house but if it lives it will get bigger in time so the likelihood of finding it increases but who wants to sleep in a house that has a snake lurking somewhere. You can put out some traps to see if you have any mice but unless you have seen the evidence of droppings around where there could be possible food sources then I doubt you have any, this little snake was just seeing where he could go and found a way inside your house and for something that small it wouldn't have to be a very big hole so look for the possible place where it may have come in and fix it so it never happens again. Sorry I can't be of more help.

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Hehe, I can't help but giggle--the poor SNAKE! It was probably high-tailing it away from you as fast as it could, thinking, "Predator! Predator!" Well, when I found a little corn snake (presumably) in our garage, I just got a broom and swept it into the dustpan and carried it out into the yard and set it free. When my brother's red-tailed boa got loose when I was still living at home, though, we searched high and low for him (particularly because I had a chinchilla--and fancy rats at the time too, I think--and we didn't want anything wretched to happen to them!). In the end, my dad picked up the centerpiece on the dining room table, a branch-y, wicker-y basket filled with fake flowers, and it was unusually heavy... and there we found Bart... curled up and comfy as can be! Snakes like to stay warm, and if you have air on it might try and stay behind some electrical equipment, or in a place that gets a lot of sunlight. In any event, I hope you find the little guy and can set him free outside, safe and sound, as soon as possible! :)

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yeah, he's/she's got to be terrified. I do hope to get it out of the house and set it free. but i also have a very primitive fear of snakes. i wish i knew how it got in.... one day i may also think this is funny, just not today. ;-)

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  • 4 months later...

Well...about 3-4 weeks later I found the snake in the basement, right underneath Morgan's room. I went downstairs and went to open some blinds. Wrapped in between and through those blinds was my friend the snake, sunning him/herself. I opened the window and put out a tray. then I tapped the snake into the tray and shoved it away from the house. Never had to touch it, and have the peace of mind knowing it is now gone. It actually looked very skinny, so I hope it is now feeding well somewhere. (Somewhere besides my house! LOL) Thanks for all your support. I just don't do snakes well at all.

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6" - 8"? How adorable!


I haven't kept a snake since I was 10, but I would have to house it in a small tank for a couple of days just to look at it...


My daugter says that she wants a snake, but she might just be doing that to freak out her mother (my wife)...

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