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I have a new baby coming


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I had no intention of even thinking about getting another Grey until after I knew for sure what happened to Neo. I knew that I was going to want another Grey, not to replace Neo. That's not possible. I knew I wanted to fill in that hole. I worked with a local breeder when I was searching for an African Grey. Every clutch she had turned out to be all girls and I wanted a boy. This was almost 2 years ago. I ended up going with The Bird Farm rather than work with someone local. After the heartbreak of losing Neo I called up the local breeder thinking that I would get on a list and get a bird whenever it was ready, even if it took years, and got her voicemail. I hung up the phone without leaving a message because I thought, "This is crazy! I can't even think about getting another bird yet."


She saw the caller id and called me back the next day. I told her my story and she said that she had a baby hatched on June 5th. She said she hadn't had a Timneh African Grey for a year and a half. She said that someone else was interested in this baby and I said it didn't matter. I just wanted to be on a list. She said she was going to contact the other person and see if he still wanted this baby. She wanted me to have it. She felt it was right. She called back the next day and said the other guy (who is a veterinarian) wanted me to have the bird.


I went to her house (left Joe home with the 2 little ones-aged 3 and 1....they were napping) and held this tiny baby for an hour. He/she was just pulled from the nest the day before (June 28th). The breeder said it is so unusual for a baby to be this calm and accepting in such a short period. Usually they growl at everything for 3 days. It was the sweetest little thing and fell asleep in my hands. She thinks it's a girl but there is no way to tell until the DNA test is done. I think it's a boy but I don't care. I will just be happy to get a healthy bird that I get to bond with from the beginning.

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This is great news. Of course you will never replace Neo, he was and will always be your boy. There is no time table to greiving and you will find ways to fill his void and celebrate his time with you, adding to the experience rather than diminishing it. This little fluffball is just the sweetest and your time spent feeling its heartbeat in your hands connects you to something magical. It takes a long time for a baby to wean and grow ready for a permanent home and you will find this time so much more bearable by having the little one close at hand to visit when your heart is heavy. I am so delighted to be along for your journey with the new chick. I can hardly wait to know if it is a boy or a girl as your find a place in your heart and home and a name for this sweet little angel.

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Barbara I am so happy for you, no this bird will not replace Neo who will always hold a special place in your heart but things work out for a reason and this was meant to be. I believe becaise you have so much love in your heart that you showed Neo that it was meant for you to have another grey come into your life soon after your loss and that is why things fell into place as they did for it is the greatest honor to his memory to be able to share that love with another grey. When one door closes another one opens and I am happy you can begin to share that love with this little baby grey, Neo would be so proud of his mommy.

He/she is adorable and no wonder you fell in love, can't wait to hear more and see more pics.

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Here is a picture from yesterday. That would be exactly one week after the last picture I posted. This is a picture the breeder sent me. I'm going for a visit this afternoon so I will get some additional pics.




Look at the size of that foot!!

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Your pictures have me pining for a baby, LOL. What a great time for you and your little one. I am so happy for you both. The photo where you are holding this sweet little chick is so calm and reassuring, you are doing the right thing to spend your time with this baby, can't wait for the DNA results and the little one to help you find the perfect name for itself. A virtual hug to you and your little one. And a happy dance for you and baby to find one another. This is meant to be.

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IT'S A BOY! So now I can divulge his name. I have known his name since June 17th. I had sent an email asking for the names of the parents. I asked because on her website she has pictures of her breeders. But the two names she gave me were not on there. (Her page is very far from updated.) The parrot parents are Emily and Logan. So as I was laying in bed the name Egan came to me. (Pronounced EE-gahn). It is the E from Emily and the -gan from Logan. The next morning I did a search and found that it is a name of Celtic Irish origin and means "little fire" or "little bright eyed one".


I truly didn't care what the sex was. I felt from the beginning that he was a boy and I struggled for a girl name. When the breeder sent me an email telling me that she felt this bird is a blessing to me, I looked up "names meaning blessing" and found Keiko (pronounced KEH-koh). It is a Japanese word meaning "blessing". (Feel free to steal since I won't be using that one.)

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What a cutie pie Egan is and that is so clever to name him after his parents by combining the two names into Egan, I know you are anxious to bring this little one home but good things come to those who wait, thanks for sharing the pics with us, he is a handsome fella.

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Oh, you are going to love that little Egan boy!! He is so cute & I love the name. I remember my visits with Biscotti when he was still at his breeders, it is so wonderful to be able to be a part of their early growth stages. Enjoy :)

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I am so happy for you. Im so glad that you found each other, and that baby Egan can feel your love already. Its so beautiful, makes me want a baby bird too, but I was warned about MBS already lol. Congratulations, you deserve this joy, and Egan couldnt be luckier to have a great mommy, and go to a wonderful family.

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