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My 4 month old Cag already talking?

Zen's Mom

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Hi everyone -


I have a question. We have a 4 month old Cag. He's been with us going on 2 weeks now and is Precious! So I have a question. he's doing his human baby-talk... so often says things that sound like talking only of course don't make any sense. Like he said toy last week, but I'm sure it was just a noise that must have sounded like toy.


But today my husband and I were sitting with him and saying I love back and forth and Zen suddenly looks up, stares at my husband and pipes up with the *sounding of * I love you - more like the tonal sounds rather than actual words, but the copying of our 3 sylables was unmistakable. THEN!.. late afternoon my little Sun conure and I were talking back and forth saying "apple apple"... to each other and Zen SAID Apple! I heard it distinctly! -Was it just luck? Happenstance? I was just wondering how old they are before they actually start to verbalize real words. I heard 9 months so I am wondering if I read correctly or if I have a magic bird or something! LOL

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ruby said her first word around 4 or 5mos. she's now 8mos and knows a number of words. her voice is still a little grumbly though. the vet told us it would get clearer as she gets older.

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