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Sneak Thief


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Java's cage is side by side with Gilbert's and identical. She doesn't get up on her play top, prefering to be on a human play stand. So, sometimes when our hands are full, we might set something on top of her cage. For the past week, Gilbert has been asking Java for a cracker and we thought that was funny because the cracker package was on her cage top, but where she couldn't reach it... or so we thought. Last night, my husband got the cracker package down to give them each a little snack. And the crackers were empty. The side facing the room was whole. Java has been a little sneak thief, hanging upside down and tearing open the bag to eat ALL the crackers. I am stunned. In just a couple of days, maybe one, she was able to open the bag and eat the whole thing. She weighs just a quarter of a pound. How can this be? Poor Gilbert was a witness, watching all his crackers being devoured and she was not about to share any with him. It was just too funny to realize what she just got away with!

crackers before.jpg

crackers after.jpg

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That is so funny Dee and didn't you notice that Java wasn't eating much if any of his food in his bowls but you can't leave anything like that where they can see them for where there is a will there is a way, poor Gilbert could only watch Java devour all the crackers with no one the wiser.

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She had to have gotten into that bag all in one afternoon. She had already eaten her beans and warm food in the morning and it was a new package of grahams. All I can figure is that she opened the bag and they fell down in a rush and she may have been feeding them to the dogs while I was out of the house. She has a roll of adding machine tape on a toy in her cage about once a month she does her "financials" and pulls off an entire roll at once. She had done that too so I pulled it all out to look to see if the crackers were in her hideout, but only a few. I think from now on, I will save the packages and make foraging toys for both of them. LOL It is a mystery where she may have packed away her weight in crackers in one afternoon, but we may as well use it to our advantage. I am doing some deep cleaning today and half expect to find a stash of crackers on the floor behind her cage. I somehow doubt it though, the dogs would be creative in getting back there to help her clean up.

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I got Gilbert a fresh pack of his own crackers. Gee, store them low and the dogs are forever trying to open the plastic bins, store them high and Java gets into them. Have mercy it is a never ending battle of the wits around here. Luckily we all got such a laugh out of this, it makes me think of how much our birds are the center of our family. They are always piping up with something funny to do or say and we all laugh and they mimic our laughter. I never knew there was so much to say or to laugh about until we brought parrots into our lives.

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that was so cute. They know they are being sneaky. Prince has been letting himself out of the cage by opening the food door, and I heard him rattle it a few times, I went to look, and he jumps back up to his perch, as to say. I am not doing anything Mom!

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