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need help

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hello,i need some help if anybody can help me .i have 3 adult breeding pairs ,one is ok i have 3 baby at a moment but the other two the female not accept the male when he try to mate,she let him to feed her but not more and she lay eggs but no baby.what can i do ?thank's kind regards

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I don't know how long you've had these pairs but as far as buying them, there's different classifications.


Proven, bonded---which means that there's a posibility that past matings were unsuccessful even though they're bonded.

Proven, bonded --has had 1 or 2 clutches in the past---proof is usually supplied buy the seller.

I have no idea what you know about your pairs but if the birds won't mate or if the female has eggs which are infertile, that means that the male didn't do his thing.

One other possiblity is whether your birds may have been pets in the past. Many birds that have been pets in the past turn out to be bad breeders.

You have absolute proof that all three pairs had fertile eggs in the past where chicks were actually hatched????

Another thing has to do with age. You say that they're breeders but do you know the actual age of these birds?

There's nothing you can do to make the males interested. The birds aren't mechanical and you can try again in the future but there's no guarantees about things and no one can tell you how to stimulate the males or females because these birds are all different from each other.

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