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I think Pancho likes it here!


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Pancho is settling in nicely. We brought Pancho's cage downstairs when we found out Pancho was negative for disease. Brutus, our African Grey, learned Pancho's name in one day. I think he feels a little threatened because he says, "Brutus and Pancho" several times, but, he ends with something he made up, which is "Brutus and Mama." He needn't worry, however, as Pancho clearly prefers my husband. We are not forcing anything with Pancho. He comes out of his cage when he is willing to step up. When I have trouble getting him back in the cage with my hands, he happily steps up on a stick, so this is nice. The big surprise is after years of a 100% seed diet he is eating practically everything I offer him. He has eaten: pomegranate seeds, apple, orange, english peas (not a favorite), mango, corn, chicken bone, salmon, bean burrito, and cheese. He takes food willingly and easily when he is hand fed, but still avoids his fresh food bowl. He ate the chicken bone like he had been eating them forever. He talks a little. He says, "Hello Pancho, Pancho, Hey Pancho, and my husband thinks he heard him try, "let's go outside" but, I dunno. This would be a new phrase for him, and if this is true, very exciting! We are encouraged by the amount of progress he has made in such a short time (1.5 weeks). He is still a little skittish when he hears unfamiliar noises, but who could blame him. He has played with a few toys which makes us very happy!


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It`s good to hear pancho is doing so well and settling into your home.

We rehomed a BFA 2 1/2 years ago that had a lot of issues that has turned out to be a great companion and member of our flock.

She also settled into our home very quickly and became very sweet and gentle. She never had toys before us and it took over 2 years before she would play with any.

When she came to us she was very over weight and could not fly and on a all seed diet and was kept in a very small cage.

Her weight is now around 400 gr.she can fly will eat anything, plays with her toys and is a jot to have around.

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Gee, what's not to like about that set up for Pancho? He has a lot of wonderful things going on in his life now and that picture shows him taking it all in stride, captain of his domain. LOL. Love that Brutus is reminding you that you are his mama. It will be fun to hear all his new adventures with you.

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Hearing that Pancho is settling in so nicely is great!!! I truly love these amazons as they have such personality and are a joy to have around! Aba Grey still dive bombs poor Louie even chance she gets up Louie is very cool about it and pretty much just ignores her. Keep Pancho's updates coming. I love it!!!!

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