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Help !! Me and my 6.5 weeks old CAG.


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Today i guess the Nor Metrogyl syrup which i had put in his feeding gave him some bad taste and he regurgitated all the food and is VERY TIRED NOW. However, i did not give him anything for about 45 mins when he looked really weak. However, when i prepared 30cc of feeding with right temp and put the syringe near his beak , he started bobbing like he had no food for the last 3 days.

And then i did not go any further to mix 30cc more bcz i dint want it all to come out again.

Now he is sleeping without any problems but he still has that sort of mild weakness in him.


I suspect some thing fishy in days to come. :(

However, Folks!!! Please tell me any antibiotics to be administered as a precaution if any.

And usually antibiotics makes us feel strained in clinical treatment, does it work the same way with birds as well.

Please throw some light on it soon.

As Barbara's Vet said....I should be well prepared.

Edited by ujwaldignified
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Im no expert, but you've had reply from an expert IMO already. You should take his advise, or just use your keen common sense? I hope you have good luck with PINGU anyways cause hes the one that matters.

Edited by Cupid
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Hey Can u please talk to your Breeder and check i can contact him directly and get some online help. That would be a great support. Thank you.

I was talking to my breeder today about your baby and she recommended having antibiotics on hand in the event of a bacterial infection. She said that India is the best place to get antibiotics for baby birds. She is in the States and she gets her antibiotics from India. She said bacterial infections are the biggest problem when hand feeding and spoon feeding can increase the risk. (I didn't ask why she thought that.)
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Someone plz reply....Where are the experts of this forum?


Please understand the users and moderators of this forum are NOT avian vets. They will do everything they can to help you, but don't expect too much medical/breeding advice.

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I really can't do that. She is very, VERY busy as she is caring for many adult birds (she boards other people's birds while they are away) and she is hand feeding six other babies in addition to mine right now. She also has her own pet birds. It may be tomorrow before she responds to my email. If you have a veterinarian that you are using, it might be faster to contact that person. Many people are reluctant to give advice over the internet for fear it will be the wrong advice and might damage your baby. Perhaps the breeder of your baby could give you some advice and direction as well.

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I just finished reading all the comments in this thread and the other threads that you started. I really wish you and your baby all the best. I just wanted to add a comment. You have to be very careful with hygiene issues. Bacteria can easy contaminate food or utensils used. I was advised by a vet to when I had a baby parrot to sterilize everything in boiling water and after that to keep stuff in the freezer until I use them. I have used a baby bottle sterilizer at the time for the syringes and for the spoons and it worked fine. make sure that you boil the towels you use around him when you wash them. and that you wash his aquarium with boiling water every few days.Later on you have to do the same with perches. Cleanliness is the most important and you cannot use any disinfectant as they might be poisonous. Also make sure your hands are really well scrubbed before cooking or feeding or handling him. It will be difficult for a while but hopefully he will grow very healthy. As for the weight, Im no expert, but I would say that 500 gr is really a good weight as some adult greys weigh less. I am not an expert either, but was thinking that you can prepare some food yourself to feed along side the feeding formula. Something made of mashed apples, boiled carrots, peas, broccoli, corn... fresh stuff. When I had a baby grey (12 weeks old) the vet recommended Harrisons and the baby grey loved it. Check the link




all the best and keep us posted... by the way I love the videos you posted... your grey is so cute

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This is the response that I got from my breeder. (REMEMBER! She is not a veterinarian and has not even seen your bird. She is basing this on the information I passed on to her from your post.)


Sounds to me that this bird has a bacterial infection and he is at risk of losing this baby. He should get this baby on Zithromax as soon as possible. I only know how to mix up and dose the powder Zithro that I get from the pharmacy. I use Azithromycin for Oral Suspension (dry without them adding water to it). Then I take 5 grams of Azithromycin and add 2.5 grams of sterile water. The dosage is then 0.1 cc per 100 grams of body weight.


I hope this helps.

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Hey thanks a lot for that.

You did not mention the times per day and the course duration.


This is the response that I got from my breeder. (REMEMBER! She is not a veterinarian and has not even seen your bird. She is basing this on the information I passed on to her from your post.)


Sounds to me that this bird has a bacterial infection and he is at risk of losing this baby. He should get this baby on Zithromax as soon as possible. I only know how to mix up and dose the powder Zithro that I get from the pharmacy. I use Azithromycin for Oral Suspension (dry without them adding water to it). Then I take 5 grams of Azithromycin and add 2.5 grams of sterile water. The dosage is then 0.1 cc per 100 grams of body weight.


I hope this helps.

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Hey thanks a lot for that.

You did not mention the times per day and the course duration.


I would say once a day.


I want to add that is making me very nervous. One of the pieces of information I read in the directions for giving birds antibiotics is that after you treat for 5 days, you should follow up with something else to restore the good bacteria needed in their system. If you have no option of an avian vet in India, I really would suggest scouring the internet and educating yourself more on this. I want to help but I do not want to lead you to do something that is going to harm your baby. I have no education at all in handfeeding and caring for a baby bird. That's why my baby is still with the breeder and will be for another 2 or 3 months.

Edited by Barbara2
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Thanks a ton anyways for such an honest concern from your side. barbara2....!!!! I would not try antibiotics in that case.


THE GOOD NEWS IS ....... NOR METROGYL WORKED AND I FEEL 90% possibility my Baby survived and he has become very normal and with full activity and stopped puking absolutely too for the last two feedings. He shows good energy normally too.



Let me wait and assure all you people and then the celebration begins.


Am so anxiously waiting for atleast next 5 to 6 feedings with out puking to confirm that he is out of infection.


The attachment shows his latest poop which appears quite normal.


I would say once a day.


I want to add that is making me very nervous. One of the pieces of information I read in the directions for giving birds antibiotics is that after you treat for 5 days, you should follow up with something else to restore the good bacteria needed in their system. If you have no option of an avian vet in India, I really would suggest scouring the internet and educating yourself more on this. I want to help but I do not want to lead you to do something that is going to harm your baby. I have no education at all in handfeeding and caring for a baby bird. That's why my baby is still with the breeder and will be for another 2 or 3 months.


Edited by ujwaldignified
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