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Eva's first day home.


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Eva seems to be doing really well on her first day, immediately when I put her in her cage she started playing with her toys, or I should just say one toy, the one in the picture I posted in the previous thread. She is quickly destroying it...lol I'll have to be careful to keep her occupied when I have her out of the cage more because she is definitely a chewer. I had some toys for I purchased for her cage at the store, but they were destroyed by the time she was ready to come home lol.


She hasn't really eaten yet, but I see her drinking lots of water. The woman at the store told me it is to be expected that she not eat too much for a day or so. She has the blend she has weaned onto, as well as some cookables that they recommended to me in her cage. She also instructed me to leave her in the cage often for the first week or two, so I only take her out for five minute sessions every hour or so and talk to her often.


Her cage at the store was much smaller also and not nearly as tall. Eva is very clumsy in her new cage! I put a towel on the bottom with news paper on top just in case.


Overall, I think she's happy to be home with me, I hope she starts eating soon, I bring her back on Sunday to get weighed If she loses 10% of her weight or more than they take her back for a couple more weeks to get her stronger. But they told me that all birds lose some weight when they come home.


We have a very busy household and I think Eva has just about met everyone living here and everyone loves her!

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I know how stressful a noneating pet can be. Try buying a few $3000.00 Mangshan Vipers that refuse food for 3 to 4 months when I got them home.


hope she starts eating soon.


BTW: A Mangshan viper is in the picture to the left of this post



Edited by kingsnake
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