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Just my luck!


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Hi friends, I am here today to tell you about something very special that happened to me this weekend. Thanks to KingSnake, I was inspired to find a stainless steel cage. Although I could'nt afford it, I located a Kings macaw cage a couple hours north for a very very reasonable price. I dreamt about it for a minute, then realized it was out of my grasp.

I let my amazing cousin Lana know about it, and she imediately made me an offer I could not refuse. She insisted on getting the cage for her 8 month old Picasso!!! Anyways, I was fortunate enough to be able to get her this cage:





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Yes Ma'am, a rainbow lorikeet. I wanted to thank you Judygram, if it wasnt for you I would've been fooled into keeping an adult bird that was sold to me as a chick. I shouldve consulted with my cousin, as she knows her stuff, but the deal was too sweet. Its just like the saying goes, if it seems to be to good to be true, it probably is. Returning her and Cupid was the best thing that couldve happend to me since now I have Aristotle, and hes been so good to me thus far. He wont speak to me yet, but he has made kissing sounds when I bring him close. I hear the whistling only when Im not in sight.

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I wanted to share some fathers day photos, here is my father chilling in the shade with Aristotle, he was so happy to just hang out, Dad kept telling me what a sweet bird I had!




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I knew it was a lorikeet but yes a rainbow one that has all those colors on it, looks like an amazing bird, why not post a couple of pictures in a new thread in the other birds room and tell us some more about this bird, name, how old and how you came about it.

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when i got athena, i was convinced she was a she. well 2 years in we got her dna done and she's really a he. but she was saying all the big girl, good girl, etc things. so we just left her name alone. kallie is a different story. we are her new forever home. her original name was honey, and i just couldn't get into liking it. so we decided her new name would be kalliope (kallie for short). she is a she, as the dna proved. we started calling her kallie honey in the beginning and slowly dropped off the honey until we just call her kallie now. her new big thing to do now when you enter the room is, she'll say "hi kallie"! right now we're all kallie, lol!!!


i don't think it matters if the gender of the name matches the gender of the bird. i think its a bigger issue for us humans. athena has no "identity" issues having a female name and still being referred to as a she even though she is really a he. i say follow your heart.

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It looks to me like the wing feathers are clipped for the flights should be way out over the tail and they aren't but you still need to be careful of having your bird out without being on a harness or in a small cage or some kind of enclosure, too many have taken flight when spooked if there is a little wind going, better to be safe than sorry.

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