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What have your birds destroyed?


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Eshana, is your bank account chewed up because your bird got to the statement and chewed it, or is it "chewed to shreds" because you want to buy everything you see for your baby? ....like me....


We used to have a cockatoo that destroyed a valuable antique wooden clock that my dad had spent many hours repairing and refinishing, a large wooden antique radio that my husband had repaired. He could get out of ANY lock we put on his cage until we finally resorted to a padlock and key. He was a brilliant escape artist. Once we were staying in a dorm room of a small college while our house was being built - just for a week or two. We returned home after work to find the large mirror over the sink shattered all over the floor, a HUGE hole (at least 2' by 2') chewed into the wall, and significant chewing on the joists behind the wall. We scrambled around and found another mirror to cover the hole. That was about 20 years ago, we don't know if anyone has discovered yet what is behind that mirror!!

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....I say put a shock collar around the BFs neck and when he cusses ZAAAP! ;-)

I'm trying not to fall from the chair (from laughter) because I'm at work and it wouldn't look too professionall, but man, this thread is just precious!! LOOOOOOOOOL

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