Zoom Posted June 29, 2011 Share Posted June 29, 2011 I knew before I got them that the birds would wreck stuff. And they have! Here's my list (after just seven months): Chewed through the internet connection (lovebirds) Chewed through the iPhone charger (Grey) Removed up-arrow key on my laptop (Grey) Dug big holes in the hood and shoulder of my winter coat (Amazon) Chewed ceiling molding above pantry (ongoing project by Amazon) Chewed dining room window frame (ongoing project by lovebird) Chewed up the plastic recycling box (ongoing project by Amazon) Inserted talon and beak holes in living room blinds (Grey) Chewed big holes in backs of three bookcases (Amazon) Chewed spines of several books (Amazon) Nibbled edges of my entire tickler filing system (lovebirds) Chewed coat closet door molding (Amazon) Ate edges of antique makeup box from the '30s (Amazon) Knocked antique camera off bookcase, which dented hand-crafted chair (Amazon) Shredded a $25 gift certificate (lovebirds) Shredded a lab test requisition form (lovebirds) Killed umbrella plant (community project) I think that's about it for me. What have your little friends destroyed for you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ranaz Posted June 29, 2011 Share Posted June 29, 2011 (edited) Oh I love this post... lol * Chewed my laptop charger wire (thank God it was not connected to electricity or else Kookie would've been roasted) * Chewed through my Camera Bag * Chewed completely through the wire connecting my DVD player to the TV * Removed half the keys of a new mobile * Still working on my TV cabinet every once in a while * Plucked some of my Laptop keys, but I was able to re-fix them * Dug a hole in the back side of my car's leather seat * A small hole on my red running shoes and of course my hands were not spared as well.... but seriously I learned to be more careful with the wiring in general cos it is the most dangerous... Edited June 29, 2011 by ranaz Just forgotten to comment Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aly~ Posted June 29, 2011 Share Posted June 29, 2011 My self esteem....... I was walking down the hall, after putting new toys in her cage, and I hear..."dumbass". Well I guess I didn't place them just right!! Now, you have to stop and think, did she really just call me a dumbass and where in the world did she get that from? No one runs around my house saying that. Another big mystery in the Rebel's vocabulary box. Maybe a word from her past that she's bringing back into play?? UNTIL......One morning, I hear from the bed room......"Stupid BIT#%".....so I run back there, and there is my boyfriend, yelling at the news person. He has a habit of argueing with the news anchors, even tho I repeatidly tell him they can't hear him. "You call these people dumbasses all the time don't you"....."well they are".....oh great!! Now my bird is going to start calling me a Stupid BIT#%. Thanks goodness she hasn't tried to say that yet, and the BF is NOT allowed to watch FOX news any longer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ranaz Posted June 29, 2011 Share Posted June 29, 2011 Thats so funny... its amazing how they always pick up the words you never want them to learn... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
birdhouse Posted June 29, 2011 Share Posted June 29, 2011 Too funny. I've had birds all my life. I started to tick off the list as soon as I read the title ... clothes, books, cords, moldings, ceilings, blinds, remember cassette tapes (or maybe heard of them?), jewelry, throw pillows (w/beadwork), plants, my glasses... ...Ok, I want to stop now ... really need to go back to my happy place ***Gee Zoom, thanks for the memories!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Talon Posted June 29, 2011 Share Posted June 29, 2011 Better to start this thread as WHAT HAVEN'T YOUR BIRDS CHEWED!!! With 2 AG and an Amazon, nothing is sacred in my house... That includes, doors, cupboards, wood work, Alarm systems...you name it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
judygram Posted June 29, 2011 Share Posted June 29, 2011 Picture frames, couches, clothes and laptop keys to name a few but the worse culprit is my sun conure as she is always on me if she is out of her cage and she chews up all my t-shirts so I can never wear anything good when at home, people think I am hard up for t-shirts as they look so raggedy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
danmcq Posted June 29, 2011 Share Posted June 29, 2011 Aly~ said: UNTIL......One morning, I hear from the bed room......"Stupid BIT#%".....so I run back there, and there is my boyfriend, yelling at the news person. He has a habit of argueing with the news anchors, even tho I repeatidly tell him they can't hear him. "You call these people dumbasses all the time don't you"....."well they are".....oh great!! Now my bird is going to start calling me a Stupid BIT#%. Thanks goodness she hasn't tried to say that yet, and the BF is NOT allowed to watch FOX news any longer. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Mystery Solved. Did your BF survive the beating you gave him? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luvparrots Posted June 29, 2011 Share Posted June 29, 2011 Let's see: Ana Grey - Have a new keyboard has you can't re-attach a chewed up ~` key, or a caps Lock, or a !1, do you get the idea??? A couple of totally chewed up venetian blinds - forgot to open them and let the light in, silly me!!!! My bird weighing scale keys - thank goodness I got to her in time!!!!! Top of my door jamb - a stuffed monkey now sits on the door and the door is safe again at last! Any piece of paper that Ana Grey finds is all chewed up! My recipes are now beak-edged!!! We no longer think about the old ceramics that I inherited from my late mother-in-law that are now gone forever! Louie the Zon - All my aloe plants now have new leaves as they have been chewed down to a nib All toys are almost totally destroyed and wooden ones are now bye, bye Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eshana Posted June 29, 2011 Share Posted June 29, 2011 Hah! *My laptop *my gaming headphones *four pairs of underwear *my mattress *MY BANK ACCOUNT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ray P Posted June 29, 2011 Share Posted June 29, 2011 How about when they find your car keys and push the remote start button and your car starts when you are standing next to it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
judygram Posted June 30, 2011 Share Posted June 30, 2011 Oh thats a good one Ray, would have loved to have seen the look on your face when that happened. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popsicle Posted June 30, 2011 Share Posted June 30, 2011 (edited) I like this post too. Made me have a good laugh. Do you all let them free in the house to go wherever they like and do whatever they want or do you manage to keep an eye on them most of the time? Edited June 30, 2011 by Popsicle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zoom Posted June 30, 2011 Author Share Posted June 30, 2011 My guys are free for several hours each day, but I supervise them. Even though I remove Kazoo from the bookcases promptly each time she goes up there, she has still managed to chew some big holes in them. It doesn't take her long! Same thing with the cords. They chew the computer cords while I'm using the laptop on my lap. I don't let them do it, of course, but all it takes Simon is one good chomp, and within seconds, that's the end of the cord! (I'm letting Kazoo destroy the blue box because it only cost $2 and it's been keeping her busy for days.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popsicle Posted June 30, 2011 Share Posted June 30, 2011 What is "the blue box"? hehe Your list was one of the smallest here by the way so I guess you're a lucky girl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
abbie21187 Posted June 30, 2011 Share Posted June 30, 2011 I haven't had Eva long enough for her to destroy anything except she's chomping through her new toys already, so I'm sure after a week, when I start having her out of the cage more she'll be a handful. My BB is obsessed with buttons, on computers, laptops, phones, just loves to attack them and rip them off. He sits on the couch with me and my boyfriend while we watch TV and we play hide the remote with him, he usually finds it, but if we hide it too good... He'll start screaming, lol. We bought him a couple infant and toddler phones for his cage which are cool because they talk to him when he tries to take the buttons off! Whenever we are at best buy and we see the keyboards on display with keys missing we always laugh and say BB Chu must have been there shopping recently! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
katana600 Posted June 30, 2011 Share Posted June 30, 2011 Great thread! I am sitting here thinking I am THE luckiest person in the bird world. Then, I ponder a moment, and no, that is not true, I just have a short memory. Java picked keys off my laptop including the little rubber boot so when I would press the left shift, I would get a little zap. We all have raggedy tee shirts. The worst by far was the multi-venture sneak attacks that she was making on a beautiful kaleidoscope, slowly removing the inset wood veneer from one of my object lenses. It still works, thank goodness, but it looks tattered and ragged. Gilbert has not become mobile just yet so he stays where he is placed and plays with real parrot toys. Java is talking smack to him now and making fun of him for being a mama's boy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
reggieroo Posted June 30, 2011 Share Posted June 30, 2011 I've been quite lucky so far as Murphy has only chewed the edge of the leather sofa, the dragon (Dracaena) plant & my toes. He does love to chew though & most of his wooden toys have been reduced to pile on the cage floor. Also his natural perch I made him last year has been heavily chewed with some of the branches being completely chewed off. Fortunately he has become a creature of habit & only flies to his stand or cage top where he can do no damage to our stuff. He occasionally flies down to me on the sofa once or twice a night & has a go at my toes but only a sweet little nibble to say "hi dad, I love you!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mistyparrot Posted June 30, 2011 Share Posted June 30, 2011 Aly~ said: My self esteem....... I was walking down the hall, after putting new toys in her cage, and I hear..."dumbass". Well I guess I didn't place them just right!! Now, you have to stop and think, did she really just call me a dumbass and where in the world did she get that from? No one runs around my house saying that. Another big mystery in the Rebel's vocabulary box. Maybe a word from her past that she's bringing back into play?? UNTIL......One morning, I hear from the bed room......"Stupid BIT#%".....so I run back there, and there is my boyfriend, yelling at the news person. He has a habit of argueing with the news anchors, even tho I repeatidly tell him they can't hear him. "You call these people dumbasses all the time don't you"....."well they are".....oh great!! Now my bird is going to start calling me a Stupid BIT#%. Thanks goodness she hasn't tried to say that yet, and the BF is NOT allowed to watch FOX news any longer. A good reason to keep him off FOX but I suspect that he would be the same with any controversial TV programe. How about a swear box and spend the soon to be collected fortune on parrot treats etc. Steve n Mistyparrot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elvenking Posted July 1, 2011 Share Posted July 1, 2011 My computer chair 2 Keyboards A droid phone All 4 of my crystal beer glasses and numerous other glasses 3 pairs of shoes About 3 belts 4 pairs of pants (tore the seams and pockets off) 2 Floor lamps 3 Dish wands 2 hair brushes A few USB cables AC adapters ...and that is just what I can remember off the top of my head. Totaling about 1000 bucks worth of damage over the last year. Many happened while I fell asleep while he was out. And I love him like nothing else. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kingsnake Posted July 1, 2011 Share Posted July 1, 2011 I'm not a big fan of FOX, I deleted the channel so when I flip through stations it never shows up. :-) (And those annoying channels that always want you to buy stuff) I say put a shock collar around the BFs neck and when he cusses ZAAAP! ;-) I kid of course. But yes, last thing I want is my bird saying language like that too. I guess when I watch HBO's Deadwood and things like that I need to have the mute button close by ;-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chezron Posted July 1, 2011 Share Posted July 1, 2011 This is a great post! My Grey has a particular interest in putting holes in upholstery and removing nail heads. His favorite target is unattended purses or luggage. Unfortunately, he has damaged unsuspecting and unattended visitor's purses. I feel terrible about this, and I guess I need to routinely explain the possible hazards associated with my pets. "Keep your carry-ons close to you at all times, and close the door behind you-post haste." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mistyparrot Posted July 1, 2011 Share Posted July 1, 2011 Misty will go for any open draw and throw out what ever he can. I only have to open a draw and he will appear instantly and jump in to explore the contents. I once made the mistake of leaving a draw full of DAT tapes slightly open and came back to find he had opened the draw and then "carefully" pulled out the tape from each one before dumping it on the floor! In the end I gave him his own draw next to where I sit at the computer. Any thing I put in it he instantly chucks out and he has chewed large holes in the wood at the back and sides. Although I can interact with him almost anywhere with no sign of aggression from him and no hint of territoriality even his cage, if I put my hand in his drawer if he is in residence I can expect to get nipped. The only other thing he guards is his water bowl on his tree perch. He has also all but destroyed a book case from which I have now removed all breakables and books and given it up to him with just his toys, mostly toddlers wooden bead frames. Numerous shirts have fewer buttons and frayed collars. Jumpers with improved ventilation. Countless computer and phone charging leads. He can destroy those with just one bite if the fancy takes him. several computer keyboards have been remodelled. Any newspaper I try to read is at risk of extra editorial intervention of the Grey kind. Pens and pencils have to be taken from me in case I hurt myself apparently! Misty does care for my welfare. :rolleyes: Likewise he believes my reading glasses spoil my good looks! I suppose after reading all that, some might wonder why I dont keep him locked up but having Misty as a companion is my choice and I cannot bear to keep him caged for a moment longer than necessary for his own safety. Steve n Misty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Talon Posted July 1, 2011 Share Posted July 1, 2011 Mistyparrot said: Misty will go for any open draw and throw out what ever he can. I only have to open a draw and he will appear instantly and jump in to explore the contents. I once made the mistake of leaving a draw full of DAT tapes slightly open and came back to find he had opened the draw and then "carefully" pulled out the tape from each one before dumping it on the floor! In the end I gave him his own draw next to where I sit at the computer. Any thing I put in it he instantly chucks out and he has chewed large holes in the wood at the back and sides. Although I can interact with him almost anywhere with no sign of aggression from him and no hint of territoriality even his cage, if I put my hand in his drawer if he is in residence I can expect to get nipped. The only other thing he guards is his water bowl on his tree perch. He has also all but destroyed a book case from which I have now removed all breakables and books and given it up to him with just his toys, mostly toddlers wooden bead frames. Numerous shirts have fewer buttons and frayed collars. Jumpers with improved ventilation. Countless computer and phone charging leads. He can destroy those with just one bite if the fancy takes him. several computer keyboards have been remodelled. Any newspaper I try to read is at risk of extra editorial intervention of the Grey kind. Pens and pencils have to be taken from me in case I hurt myself apparently! Misty does care for my welfare. :rolleyes: Likewise he believes my reading glasses spoil my good looks! I suppose after reading all that, some might wonder why I dont keep him locked up but having Misty as a companion is my choice and I cannot bear to keep him caged for a moment longer than necessary for his own safety. Steve n Misty Misty must be from the same flock as my Riiki! She lives for opening drawers, and throwing everything one by one onto the floor, then climbing in it and schooching all the way to the back! When she is not doing that, she is throwing dishes onto the floor to watch them break into millions of pieces... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zoom Posted July 2, 2011 Author Share Posted July 2, 2011 Oboe and Simon like to sit on me and chew on interesting bits of my clothing. Buttons, snaps, stuff like that. Yesterday my belt fell apart, and I'm pretty sure they had something to do with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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