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Eva is coming home today!


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So I have an appointment to pick up my TAG Eva at 4PM. I originally scheduled it at this time because I thought I would be working today, but I was so excited I found someone to cover my shift for the day!


So I might go earlier I'm waiting for a call back to see if we can change the appointment. I couldn't hardly sleep last night and was up at six this morning waiting for the store to open to call them...lol

Well, I have a lot of time to kill it looks like so I'm working on finishing up her PVC play stand.


Expect lots of pics and updates later!

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I know how you feel, something like Christmas morning, hope you can change it to an earlier time but it will be here soon and I can't wait to see how it goes when you bring Eva home, looking forward to seeing some pics, now take a deep breath and relax.

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Eva's home! She is having a great time in her new cage so far and has been exploring all her new toys since she got home. Not eating but she's been drinking lots of water since she's been home.


Here's he new favorite toy...we'll see how long it lasts:



And here she's just hanging out:



She seems very comfortable just relaxing and preening herself.

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