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Vacuum Cleaner Sound and Bathing


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Does anyones African Grey take a bath when they hear a vacuum cleaner?

My wife's Grey loves to ride on her shoulder when she vacuums the house. But if she doesn't pick him up, as soon as the vacuum cleaner starts to run, her Grey invariably runs to his water dish and takes a vigorous bath - water goes everywhere. A friend of my wife's also reported this unusual behavior with her bird.

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Guest fishwater_pa

My Grey doesn't do this, but my other four parrots do. It is actually somewhat common from what I've heard among many different types of parrots.

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Guest javacrypto

My grey doesn't but all of my pionus parrots "assume the position" when I start the vacuum. None of my other birds do it though.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I had a male Eclectus and if you wanted him to take a bath ...you would prepare the bath, whether a dish of just a puddle on the benchtop ...start the vacuume and away it all goes bird comes down all fluffed and determined and whether there is enough water or not you will be treated to the most spectacular bath performance. I just thought that was perculiar to my parrot. I have not idea as to what prompts that action??


Cheers ...Rick

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I have never heard this or seen it - 8 out of my nine parrots it doesn't faze them - I do have one ekkie that hates it and she will crawl up onto the top of her cage and spred her wings so I try to make sure she goes into another room

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  • 4 months later...

I think it's a good thing that you have Greys that bath on cue... I know there are many members here that wish they could get their Greys to bath..


And to the original poster.. My question to you would be why didn't you come back to the forum? You posted this thread in 2006.. Made one post then never returned again. I hope nothing happened to you..

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For whatever reason, a lot of the members come on, post a few times, then they don't come back. I don't know whether they lose interest or what, but now that we have so much more going on and for this forum now, I hope the new ones we pick up will stay and contribute to this site. I think some of them had a specific question and when it was answered they didn't return, if they have a grey they need to continue to be active on this forum. We all benefit from the combination of all the member's knowledge.

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I intend to stay, that's if your have me ? :P :laugh:


My 3 greys go nuts when i vacume their room, they sing & talk as loud as they can & Alfie hitches a ride with me while im doing it :) As for baths they have a good misting but wont go near my shower,i have read also that the noise from the vacume cleaner reflects noises heard in the wild.

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Oh we'll have you, Lovemygreys, you are welcome to stay forever, we need more members like you, who want to participate in the threads and share information.


I have heard that about the vacuum cleaner sound mimics the sounds of running water and that makes them want to bathe when they hear it. But my Josey does not like the vacuum, I have to remove her from the room I am using it in, but my sun conure starts to bathe while its running.

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judygram wrote:

For whatever reason, a lot of the members come on, post a few times, then they don't come back. I don't know whether they lose interest or what, but now that we have so much more going on and for this forum now, I hope the new ones we pick up will stay and contribute to this site. I think some of them had a specific question and when it was answered they didn't return, if they have a grey they need to continue to be active on this forum. We all benefit from the combination of all the member's knowledge.


Judy.. this is right on as usual... Very well put.. Thanks.

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Interesting. Kip tolerates the vacuum, but overall does not really seem to like it. No bathing cue for her with that! I agree regarding some posters. I see this a lot working on old posts in this room, cleaning them out...users post a few and then vanish. Like Judy said, could be several reasons, but this place is SO great I hope members continue to contribute, share for all of our benefit and have fun here!

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No bathing cue from the vaccuum here; but my friends have mentioned seeing this with their birds.


When I vaccuum, they just start talking and playing louder to keep up with the noise.


Lego will bath in his water bowl though, after he gets out of the shower. But will have nothing to do with a bath before he is soaking wet. Weirdo. :laugh:

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I have ran the vacuum around my Conure and Dayo (CAG) and neither have ever taken a bath due to it.


The Conure shows no emotion towards it, but Dayo is obviously fearful of it at this time. At least he does not go crazy, he just climbs to the top of the Cage and watches :-)

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Bath time at my house is any time the vac, hairdryer, salad shooter, or anything else that makes a varoooom sound, is going. I have found a great bird bath is a ceramic or terra cotta plant saucer with a little water in the bottom is perfect. These come in all sizes and don't tip over. Placed in the bottom of the cage, the floor doesn't get as soaked, just the cage tray gets flooded. If timed close to major cage cleaning time, this can serve a dual purpose, making clean up easier.:silly: My grey loves his baths, as do most of my other birds.


Regarding the bird that will not talk while you are in the room but will yack up a storm the minute you walk out... This is a bird who is a closet talker. Many times a bird will "practice" words and phrases when they are alone until they have it mastered to their satisfaction. My quaker does this with his head stuck in is food bowl, or whispers. Be patient.


Now, about that one time poster. I am guilty of having done the same, post once and that's it. Chances are my reason is I simply forgot. I'm a busy single parent with a house full. Time, for me, can sometimes be a tough thing to locate!:side: Then again, there have been times I simply forgot.:blink: Also, there have been a few times I have encountered a glitch in my system and have lost all my bookmarks...grrrr. Moral is, it isn't always personal!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was, of course, concerned about vacuuming around Klaus for the first time. Especially since the grey belonging to a couple we know now dislikes the "Mommy" of the house, ever since she vacuumed. I shouldn't have been concerned though. It was the middle of the day and Klaus was having a little birdie nap time. When I looked up from vacuuming to see how he was handling it, he was still sleeping...

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