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African Grey - Congo Or Timneh?


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Hi i wanted to buy a baby african grey parrot to train and teach him how to talk. I'm not sure whether to buy a Congo or Timneh. Is congo better at talking or timneh. i've also heard that male parrots learn how to talk faster than female parrots. is that true. Can you please help me out on this one thanx.

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I don't think there is any significent difference in the ability to talk of either the Cag or the Tag and no difference in whether it is a male or female, each grey is an individual and a few of them will never talk, its more of the luck of the draw whether the grey you get will talk. I hope you are not getting a grey just for its ability to talk for there is so much more to a grey and if it never speaks it is still unique and awesome in its own right.

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hi thanx for your info , i really appreciate it. Is there a way to find out if a bird is clever enough to talk e.g. in their DNA test? The main reason im getting a African grey parrot is becuase of their ability to learn. A parrot being able to learn how to talk is very important to me. is there a way to find out?

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You don't need a dna test to know that a grey is capable of talking and they understand some of what we say to them, some have been taught to recognize colors and shapes. Most greys will talk but there is no way to tell which ones will not.

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Frankly the only difference between a CAG and a TAG are size and coloring. Both females and males mimic/talk the same, it all depends on the grey. Actually they learn to mimic/talk on their own. There are some words that my grey has not chosen to learn and some that she picks up almost immediately. They choose what they like and dislike. And like all parrots, some never talk and some take longer to choose to talk. But they are all intelligent and fun to have around if you treat them well and care for them with love.

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As luvparrots & judygram said there is no known difference in talking abilities for Tags or Cags, males or females. As for their being smart, I guess they all are smart but this varies form one to another as the human intelligence also varies form a person to another. Talking abilities do not depend only on how smart they are. It depends to a great deal on the interaction they have with humans. The more you talk to your grey, play with her/him, spend time together, the more developed are the talking abilities.

I wanted to mention one thing though. Its not the talking that makes us so hooked to our feathered friends. I do agree with you, and could say that initially, it was the thing that made a parrot interesting to me. It is their ability to vocalize human words that amazes us, but once I had Kookie and with time, the bond that develops goes way beyond language.

You get attached to your parrot as you do to a baby. They become such an important part of your life that you cant live without... thats how I feel and thats how most of us in the forum feel as well. Everyday is fun, a new experience, a new episode, and many times a new word.... Im not saying its only pleasure and honeymoon all the time either... it is a huge commitment that you have to consider seriously. You have to change your lifestyle a bit, make sure you give enough time and attention and care for your grey. Make sure you are at home long enough and that you have a place to keep your parrot in case you have to be away from home.

Somethings around home have to change too to make your home parrot safe.

I say that all the above are what make our grey friends such a darlings and such a priceless addition to our lives.


Consider this and take the time before you decide and best of luck.

Nice to have you on the forum ... and welcome to our grey family

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I would not get an African Grey just so you can teach it to talk or do tricks. They are far more complicated than that. Those are nto the best reason for acquiring a life long pet that can live 40-60 years plus.

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I'm going to chime in on this one as a new TAG owner. I had always wanted an AG and sure, talking was something that was appealing but there are so many other endearing qualities of AG's that talking was not even top of the list. Everyone of course probably hopes that their AG will talk but from the moment I decided on a AG, I told myself I would love him/her no matter if they talked or not. Forget for a minute how you would feel if your bird did not talk and think about how the bird would feel if they knew you did not love them because they don't talk. Geez, if my husband loved me for only the things he wanted me to do, I'd probably be divorced by now!! I would suggest if talking is the most important thing to you about owning a AG....then find a talking Grey that needs to be rehomed. There are so many birds that need homes so please don't add to the statistic by getting a baby that may or may not talk. For the baby's sake please don't take the risk.

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