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Does anyone have a BB?


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I have two white winged parakeets! They are about one year old and very attached to the point they do not like to be handled. I'm trying to work on it. They are extremely loud - more so than the canary wings. I also have a 9 month old CAG and they all get along well! Their cages are next to each other.

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I'm really glad to hear that because my TAG will be next to my BB as well. I hope they get along, I'm more worried about my BB chu more than EVA, he can be quite a bully and is not afraid of anyone or anything. They are such fun birds! Huge personality in a little package.


My BB loves to be handled and spends most of his day on my head or shoulder "preening" my hair when I'm home. However, he also can be quite loud when I'm around and leave him in his cage. He's the loudest when he puffs up and "machine guns" me if he's not happy about something! If yours do this you'll know exactly what the machine gunning is! He is also a little over a year old.


Do yours talk, I heard they have the capabilities but many don't. BB Chu just started saying "uh OH" and tries to mimic me all the time so I hope he talks eventually, I heard they learn well from other birds so I'm thinking if my TAG talks he might pick it up.


I'm glad to hear someone else here has some type of BB as well, I don't find many BB owners out there! They are such huge personalities in little packages and just so much fun. Put some pictures up I would love to see them!

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They are also know as Brotogeris or pocket parrots and originate from South America. They are called BB for short of Brotogeris I guess? There are a few different types, but the Canary Wing BB is the most common. They are not parakeets at all, but are often referred to as such. Great companions, and all very friendly. I recommend them for a smaller bird companion.

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