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Why does Murphy poop in his food & water dishes?


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Ever since buying Murphy a new cage which has swing away feeders using stainless steel bowls, he insists on doing what I call the dish walk, walking back & forth across his dishes. I often catch him sat on one bowl while eating or drinking from the other which then results in him doing a poop in one of them. He also likes to perch on them too, again pooping in his dishes.


Now all I keep thinking is why? Why does such an intelligent creature such as a grey poop in his food & water? I have read various posts about some greys that won't even poop in their own cage but yet Murphy will do it in his food, sometimes 5 minutes after just changing his food & water. :mad:


He has lots of other places to perch inc various different thickness branches & perches all over the cage & the two by his bowls that he does use. I've even tried moving them slightly higher than the dishes thinking parrots prefer the higher perch, I've tweaked them over the months with no effect.


I've tried chasing him off with an "off there" command which he understands fully, he even gets off the dishes if he sees me looking or I walk up to the cage & rarely does it if I'm sat by him. If I'm out of sight I can hear his toes on the stainless bowls walking back & forth but by the time I get to him, he's off back on his perch looking all innocent. :rolleyes:


The problem is, the amount of wasted food I'm getting, it has to be thrown away & I can't afford to keep doing it. I really need to try & find a solution to this problem & it's just not good is it, pooping in your food?............................."yes Murphy I'm talking to you!"

Edited by reggieroo
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Those bowls are too close to each other. This must be a pretty small cage for that to be possible? If there is a bowl holder on the other side of the cage, place one of the bowls there, which will stop this issue. If a holder is not built into the cage on the other side, purchase one you can bolt on the other side.

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It's a decent size cage Dan http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?143481-Show-Us-Your-Cage!/page8 post 78. There are no other bowl holders apart from the two on the swing away feeders. I have even tried using different hook on bowls in other parts of the cage & he takes them off within minutes & chucks them down along with the contents.


I've just moved the perches away from the bowls a little more to stop him stepping over so easily, I'll see how that goes.

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Now all I keep thinking is why? Why does such an intelligent creature such as a grey poop in his food & water?


I don't know, but Phenix & Kura do it, too. There are ways to get around it, though. I make sure none of the perches are where they'll be in the line of fire, which helps. But Phenix, especially will hang out on his cups.


I've got locking cups & figured out where he doesn't really like to hang out so they'll stay the cleanest. I just have the locking stainless cups, because I like them best for ease of use & sanitizing. But this is a list of choices that may work for you with Murphy.












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This is not proven but I have the same issue with some of my snakes. Before anyone says a snake doesn't have intelligence, please own them and study them. You might be surprised to know some snakes guard their eggs and newborns and I have even trained a 5 foot Eastern Diamondback to poop in the yard and not in its cage. If you want to research the intelligence of snakes, start with the King Cobra. Snakes may not be as smart as a human or Dolphin but they do have an understanding of some things.

Back to the point.

I'm not saying this is why your bird poops in its bowl because I am not there to observe your bird but... IMO many animals do not like to live in or around their own waste. Maybe they have realized that the bowls are taken out and cleaned a lot more than their bedding. Could it be they know if they poop in the bowl that we will clean it out sooner than the tray below? I have some snakes that have very good aim and hit their water bowl every time and it made me wonder. First I thought it was nasty but maybe there was a reason they were doing this and that their pooping in the bowl is not as dumb as it looked??? The cage stayed clean and I was forced to clean the bowl. Not every snake does this but enough to make you wonder if they catch on to routines. To a point it’s no different than those animals that poop around the same place each time (Cats for example).

Of course I may be giving animals more credit than they deserve but it's a thought.

Edited by kingsnake
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I just had to log in just now to say that ^^ is a VERY thought-provoking post, kingsnake...


And as regards Murphy: I know it can be frustrating, Marcus poops in his water bowl occasionally in the mornings and I have to run around and make sure it's clean again before I run out the door; but kingsnake's theory is interesting and might hold some weight to it, yet if it really bothers you a lot (changing the water so often) I just hope you two can figure out a workable solution soon!

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I don't know, but Phenix & Kura do it, too. There are ways to get around it, though. I make sure none of the perches are where they'll be in the line of fire, which helps. But Phenix, especially will hang out on his cups.


I've got locking cups & figured out where he doesn't really like to hang out so they'll stay the cleanest. I just have the locking stainless cups, because I like them best for ease of use & sanitizing. But this is a list of choices that may work for you with Murphy.













Those cup covers in the first link look like just the ticket. Here's me thinking I have the only parrot who poops in his dishes, I guess not if somebody has designed cup covers to stop bird poops going in the dishes. I just need to see if I can get some in the UK, that might be the tricky part.

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Dan says

****Those bowls are too close to each other. This must be a pretty small cage for that to be possible? If there is a bowl holder on the other side of the cage, place one of the bowls there, which will stop this issue. If a holder is not built into the cage on the other side, purchase one you can bolt on the other side. ****



Which is probably the best answer you're gonna get concerning a simple problem that 1000s of parrots do all the time. Pet shops sell all different types of bowls with all types of holders and loads of people simply move one bowl to another area so he can't step from one bowl to another. You'll never figure out why he does it. When buying a cage (any cage), the one thing the manufactor won't say is that his design will prevent a bird from doing what yours is doing. Just go get another bowl if you can't move one to another spot.

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I always put food & water cups on opposite sides of the cage. But that doesn't stop my guys. Phenix will sit for hours on a cup anytime anything makes him nervous. Which is why he really hated the cup covers which, fortunately, someone gave me. He absolutely refused to put his head under them. (What can I say? He's got issues.)


Kura didn't mind so much. She's a lot more adaptable.


I didn't like them because I thought it was easier to clean the cups than the covers.


Too bad you're the other side of the pond. I'd give you mine, if I could still find them.

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Ok well I've tried with another bowl on the other side of the cage, it seem to make it even worse for some reason. He is now constantly going on to each side of the cage & standing on each dish in turn. I'm sure this is a wind up for his amusement, just told him to stay off the dishes & he stood there bobbing his head.........lol


Birdhouse, if you do find those cup covers then let me know. I'll pay you for them + postage to the UK. I have contacted that website you gave me to see if they will ship but no answer yet. My only hope I think are those cup covers.

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Another thing that may or may not be of use is the size of your stainless bowls. They look like the ones that came with our big cage and I find they are way too big for my grey. I replaced them with the five ounce cups, he has never eaten all his food or water in the smaller size and it does make it more difficult for him to perch on the bowl. Also with the bolt system the individual stainless cups can be placed anywhere within the cage and although they will fit on the swing-open door, it does not have to be in that spot. I had to chuckle when I read your subject line my first notion was to reply "because they can". And you are right about the wind up for his amusement, he is probably chuckling to himself, this will get 'em moving. LOL. I know it is a serious problem for you and do hope you find a solution soon, it would have me cringing too.

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Another thing that may or may not be of use is the size of your stainless bowls. They look like the ones that came with our big cage and I find they are way too big for my grey. I replaced them with the five ounce cups, he has never eaten all his food or water in the smaller size and it does make it more difficult for him to perch on the bowl. Also with the bolt system the individual stainless cups can be placed anywhere within the cage and although they will fit on the swing-open door, it does not have to be in that spot. I had to chuckle when I read your subject line my first notion was to reply "because they can". And you are right about the wind up for his amusement, he is probably chuckling to himself, this will get 'em moving. LOL. I know it is a serious problem for you and do hope you find a solution soon, it would have me cringing too.


The cups are the big ones, not sure what ounce they are but I always thought they seemed a little big. When I first started using them, I filled em right up & just got a load of waste. He would sieve through, eat the nice bits & chuck the rest back in, leaving a bowl full of the bits he didn't want. They do make it easy to perch on too, think that may be part of the problem. I'm going to give those cup covers a try that Birdhouse recommended & see how we get on from there. One other thing that has been suggested to me is to fit a chinchilla shelf at the right height above the cups, high enough for him to get his head in but low enough so he can't perch on the cups. If I got one wide enough, even if he perches on the shelf the poops should miss the cups. Anyway that's the second option, I'll be sure to keep this post updated.

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  • 11 months later...

Chikki does this sometimes as well.. But I have not noticed any patterns to it.. But whenever he does it, I show my displeasure by talking to him that it is a sick thing to do..


As he has done it very rarely, I have not had serious concerns.

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Where in the US can i get such a food dish? Thank you.

Can you at least give me an online source to buy them right away?


If you're talking about the Feeders in the above pictures, I really can't tell tou where to get them in India.


If it's possible, take your cups and put them in an area of the cage wher the bird doesn't like to stay at. If you can't do that, go to a pet store and buy a couple of universal cups that will fit any cage. They come with hooks or clamps. Take out the old dishes. Your bird will go to the new ones. Don't worry about the bird not being able to eat. Believe me, they'll find any food that's around.

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yes same here momo also really clean!if he accidently poop in his bowl he will make sound because he dsnt want to drink/eat from it anymore.same with perch too,if he find out there is poop stick on his perch he will not step on it and it means i need to wash it.one day i saw him standing on his higher perch and dsnt come out from his cage,i realize there is a poop on his perch and i wash it.in a minute he step on the clean perch and come out.hehe

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Hi new to this, soon to be parront! With doing tons of research picked up somewhere, made sense to me.

If perch is to big or slick your bird may just feel more comfy on the bowls, recommended was rough wood and maybe even nice thick rope if they aren't a chewer, just a thought.

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