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Grey Goofiness?


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Something that Slater does that I don't quite understand is he'll be talking away all happy then he'll hang upside down and grab his tail with one of his talons and start screeming as if someone is grabbing him all the wile in the upside down position. Then he'll right himself up and continue talking and carrying on. It's the weirdest display. If you could hear him you would think that someone was killing him. Sound familiar to anyone?

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lol!!! kallie "discovers" her tail sometimes. she'll be playing or hanging then all of a sudden she'll grab her tail feathers and pull them, bite them, yell at them (it's her banshee bird imitation)! it cracks me up!!! i guess its a grey's equivalent of a dog "discovering" and chasing their tail!!!

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(it's her banshee bird imitation)!

Its what we call their pterodactyl imitations and it may not have anything to do with their tail, they will just all of a sudden let out this prehistoric scream while hanging upside down or maybe when flying thru the air like a fly by, this is all normal behavior, my grey will attach her bell with gusto and doing that pterodactyl scream while beating the hell out of it.

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i call it the banshee bird for the simple reason it's easier to spell banshee than try and remember how to spell pterodactyl, lol!!! kallie loves battling her bells too, as well as her toys and out of the blue, banshee bird shows up!! (she also does a fantastic "bat bird" imitation too while playing) it's funny as all get out and we lose it every time!! even athena has her conure version of this, hahahahaha!!!!

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Biscotti does this pretty much every day, particularly in the evenings. He will hang upside down on one of the toys on his play stand & scream bloody murder!! Then he will fly up to the perch and let out a raucous laugh and say "koo, koo parrot!" I love it!!! :)

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kallie's is a bit different but that's probably it! lol, they are very funny sometimes. the first time she did it after we got her, i thought she was stuck on a toy or had hurt herself, went over to check and she just looked at me like, "what - can i help you with something?" hahahaha

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kallie's is a bit different but that's probably it! lol, they are very funny sometimes. the first time she did it after we got her, i thought she was stuck on a toy or had hurt herself, went over to check and she just looked at me like, "what - can i help you with something?" hahahaha


I know what you mean. The first time I heard Slater do it I ran to him thinking he was severely hurt. Then like I said he righted himself and immediately said good morning boys.

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I was able to get him on video tonight. Is this what "pterodactyl imitations" sound like?



Tell me what size netting you have and how it is hanging please. I have a bigger, heavier one hanging, but I don't like it, your looks perfect. Is it in a bird room? My greys won't touch mine, only my amazon will.

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That's the sound!! :) Sounds like a quite version compared to the one Biscotti let's out! I love your set up, and Slater is a beautiful bird!!


thanks very much. Birds are a lot happier in their new room. Slater gets a lot louder. This is nothing. Glad others experience this sound too

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