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Parrot Owners: Time + Complaints


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I was watching this video that was posted on a thread here in the forum:



And wondered...



Please share your experiences as a Grey/Parrot owner here.


Thanks. :D

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I've had birds of one type or another for 30 years and never thought of giving one away. They have personalities just like humans in many ways. They have bad, good and mediocre days. You love them the same unconditionally. Will you get pissed, tired, hurt feelings etc.? The answer is yes to all. But in the next instant they ether make you laugh or forget all about it in the next instant. Thats how birds live, they can fire a warning shot in one second, then be just fine the next. They are not like humans that hold grudges over petty things. They will however remember an abuser and hate or be fearful of them for the rest of their life.

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I am older and my parrots are everything to me. I do worry about them however and think about future homes for them all the time. None of my children are bird people, they prefer cats!!!!! I have given a parrot away, not sold but gave him away because it was just the best thing for him. I found him in a pet shop and he was miserable and screamed all the time there. I purchased him and he calmed down, although he was still a plucker. I have a neighbor young male friend that liked Sully and so after about a year I give Sully to Jordan. The whole family adore Sully and they are very happy. I do not regret the giving, I just wish I had been able to do for Sully what this family has and am rather jealous of their achievement!! So yes I would have given a parrot away. My oldest daughter has promised to find homes for my parrots when I am gone if I have not done so on my own and to give them away to the right people if that is what's best. Because you cannot put a price on love.

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Well, I've had parrots for 5 years until I got married and moved country. And my main complaint was the screaming. My parrots were caged because they were 2nd hand and came to me quite wild. I don't know if the fact they were caged made a difference. They never plucked but they were a bit aggressive. And every now and then they would scream very loud. They were Amazons though. People do say Amazons tend to be a lot louder than Greys. I haven't had a Grey to compare yet. So I don't know. I do understand though that each parrot is an individual and will behave differently. The thing that worries me is I had a family before to help me looking after them. Now it's only me and my hubby. He works full time and I intend to do the same soon. Reason why I would like to understand the Grey owner's complaints and see if I'm gonna make a good owner too.

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I have a grey and a zon and they both scream now and then. I call it clearing their lungs, seizing the moment or just for the hell of it!!!! Like people our parrots have to hoop and holler like the rest of the world. When Ana Grey screeches I tell her "that's not nice" so now if I put her in her cage or shoo her away, she let's out a "that's not nice" back at me!!!! that's why we have them around to make our day.

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I don't mind the screaming if it's not too much of course. I know parrots make noise. But my problem is I am living in a flat at the moment and I worry I'll get in trouble with my neighbours. lol Well in general I'm just trying to find out what are the problems you all see in having a companion parrot as a pet.

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Well, I've had parrots for 5 years until I got married and moved country. And my main complaint was the screaming. My parrots were caged because they were 2nd hand and came to me quite wild. <SNIP> Now it's only me and my hubby. He works full time and I intend to do the same soon. Reason why I would like to understand the Grey owner's complaints and see if I'm gonna make a good owner too.


Greys are considered the quietest of all parrots. I will say though, if we are in the house and our grey is still in the cage, he will contact call, talk making requests to get out of the cage etc.


If you are not ready to commit to letting you grey out when you get home from work and are going to ignore the calls and whistles then maybe get mad due to them. I would recommend NOT getting any parrot.


They need at least 4 hours of cage out time and interaction with those whom they consider their flock. Thats my opinion anyway. They are too intelligent just to let sit and rot away locked in a cage with no mental stimulation or love.

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No no no Dan. Sorry I gave you the wrong impression. I am totally committed to letting him out as soon as I come home, play with him, let him be part of our activities, etc. Also intend to buy a harness and take him to places with me, including to my in laws in another city, when we visit. I want him to enjoy time as a family with me and my husband for sure. And with other people as well. I know that's important to keep them healthy and happy.


I'm just generally asking all of you if there's anything about them that make you feel like "you can't take it any longer" sometimes. I created this thread out of curiosity, driven by the video I posted in the beginning of the thread.

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Oh, then it sounds like you have considered this and have a plan for your new grey in the future and maintaining a good relationship with it.


Unless it is a "Singles" complex, their children will be louder than a grey. :)

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The only time I have a "what was I thinking" moment with our birds is when money is super tight, and we're down to the bottom of the budget and we have to decide if we buy fresh fruits and veggies for them or something else us humans need. That's really the only time I think, "What have I gotten myself into!?" BUT- the fresh veggies always win out...


We have had to rehome our Sun Conure with my father, and are currently rehoming our nanday conure temporarily until we move out of our apartment- but that's because they are screamers. Our grey is usually pretty quiet (except when he's practicing his "nails against chalkboard" screech. :)

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As others have said...they will take you to both extremes. I would say that one of the trying things about having these little companions is when you really have to focus on something you need to do around the house...and they want to be involved and 'help'. Issac will try to nibble the hose on the vacuum cleaner...things like that. You just have to be ready for that, and over time....everything gets easier to handle as you figure out how to handle it. I don't believe that I would ever consider re-homing Isaac unless I was absolutely physically unable to take care of him. I wouldn't send him away any more than I would another member of the family. He is very much my best friend. I was really into admiring him this weekend for how sweet he is. How he is just always there for me no matter what. The flights directly to my shoulder just never get old. A wild bird that wants to be right there most all the time. It's an honor. The little head rubs against my neck when he is asking for a little scratchin'. Ohh man....nothing beats it. But you really have to open your home up to these little guys. It is no small venture. Be sure to expect more than you expected.


In addition, having Isaac around has made me appreciate birds even more. These pets so often find themselves in the wrong hands. It makes me want to actively make sure it doesn't happen to any of them. But sadly it does. I will go to pet stores these days and take note of how the birds are cared for. how long they are at the stores...if someone nice found them and bought them. The closer you get to loving these wonderful creatures, the more you realize that as an owner, you owe everything you can possibly give to them because they are willing to give you their loyalty, companionship, and even their affection. I really love my Grey. :)

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Interesting topic. Reminds me a little of my other hobby, collecting snakes. You might have heard about the large constrictor ban in Florida. The snake gets a bad rap but it's not the snakes fault, he is eating and doing what he does to survive. It's the ignorant people in this world buying a pet because it's cute or cool for the moment and don't care about the well being of the animal or is ignorant to what the animal will need as it gets older. Sure, there has been times where I have had Venomous snakes from around the world that I no longer want, that's part of the hobby (Venomous snakes IMO do not bond with their owner). However, I damn sure don't let it go in the backyard and hope he makes it. I find a home, sell it to a breeder or something.


I can understand someone buying a bird, cat or dog and later on not wanting it or can't have it but be responsable and find a home for it, don't just let it go. If the bird will outlive you, find a home for it before you pass away so when Death does come calling the bird wont get screwed!

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I can totally understand why people find it overwhelming. I always used to have budgies and then a conure growing up, but adopting my CAG, Bob, was like having a child. Everything depends on what Bob needs. I work two jobs, school and my dogs and some days he exhausts me and we have screaming matches, but it's always turns into laughter by the end of the night when I realize I'm having a yell-off with Bob and it's making him the happiest bird alive. He's spoiled rotten and couldn't be happier but some days I wonder if I made a mistake taking him in, but I can't imagine how boring things would be with out him! My creative engineering gene would have never been activated!


I feel like this post makes me seem irresponsible but it's the honest truth. I love him totally and would never give him away but some days I want to yell and pull m hair out! We all feel it.

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to start with I have 6 birds, the greys are the easiest to take care of and they are not demanding birds, I love playing with and cuddling my 2 greys , my sunconure is the loudest and most demanding bird I have ever had and he is a total velcro bird , if I try to walk past his cage garuntee he will jump on my arm and hang on to me , most of the time he likes to just hang on my shirt upside down lol he is a character and a loud one but I love my little Echo

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It's good to know they are not so demanding as I intend to start working full time soon. :)


I worried about this same thing when I got Lollie. There are some days I am gone from 7am-7pm. Right now, the kids are out of school so she gets plenty of out of cage time but after the summer is over she will be caged from 8am-4pm(which she was when I first got her because the kids were in school) So far, she has adjusted just fine. I make sure on the days she is in the cage she has plenty of things to do. I make foraging stuff and I am always looking for new toys either bought or made.


That was a great video. I intend on keeping Lollie for a long time but when I actually sit and think I am 40 years old and she could live to 80 I know realistically she will need to be in another home. The best I can hope for is that she will be well rounded and adjusted and take a new situation with ease.

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Since I started thinking of getting a parrot one of the things that worry me the most is making sure he will be happy even when we're not around so it's always a relief to hear they usually adjust well to our routine. :)

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I think about what I got myself into when I need to go to (summer) vacation and can't take Zak with me. That period Zak stays with my parents and they just don't cut it. He needs/wants so much more and they do not/can't understand that. Since I don't have anyone else I would entrust Zak with, it really troubles me. I'm tied down which I don't like but that doesn't get even close to giving him away. The plan is to train him really good and get a car so he could travel with me. Other thing is my boyfriend. We live together for quite a while now. He is Zaks favorite person but my BF doesn't like him, doesn't want to spend time with him, doesn't respect him,he hates screaming,.. and so on.....so me and Zak are sometimes really miserable. This is also not the reason (at all) to give my fluffy birdie away but it has to cross your mind when getting a grey. I can't entrust Zak to my BF so you've got to ask yourself is that something you could handle. It can get very hard and frustrating.

And although I am young, I already picked (and arranged) whom I would leave Zak to if something would happened to me. So, long story short, I wouldn't give my birdie away but some circumstances make it hard to handle. Maybe I gave you something to think about...


PS: the thing that is No1 for asking myself what I got myself into is my constant failure in "training" Zak. WHY have a parrot if you fail in creating a greater bond/relationship and giving him everything (in this case,mostly, mental stimulus) for being a happy bird. Every day I read something about parrot companionship that proves me wrong... It seems like I always fail and my birdie will suffer the concequences. It is soooooo frustrating..

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I love my little mate Murphy & this is his home for life. He was hard work when we first got him as a baby, screaming all the time if I went out of sight for around 7 months this went on. I didn't give up & the words I got from 99% of people were "get rid of him", the other 1% who gave me good advise & encouragement were the people of grey forums & the only people who understood why I put up with it. There were times when it did my head in & times I felt like I couldn't take it anymore but personally I don't give up & it all came good in the end.


I did re-home my Amazon but only to my ex girlfriend after 10 years together, only one other person I would have let him go to & that was my Mum. The only reason I re-homed my Amazon is because we didn't get on very well after my ex left & it was her or my mum that he loved, they were the only two people who he would interact with & be happy around. When I bumped into my ex after a few years she told me she missed him terribly & I told her he was the same so I let them live happily ever after. I get the odd update & he is having the time of his life with her, so that makes me happy. It did leave an empty void so I got Murphy my grey & he loves us all thankfully. :)

Edited by reggieroo
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Hi Morana,

The things you said are interesting. Got me curious about something though. Were you going out with your boyfriend already when you got Zak? Was it a joint decision or did it happen before your BF? Why doesn't he like Zak? Any specific reason?

About training, maybe you just need to learn some new things, to help you improve the quality of your training. Here is a video that teaches how to make training interesting for your bird

. Maybe you just need to get the right information and use the right training techniques? How about reading this book? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0793805627/ref=olp_product_details?ie=UTF8&me=&seller= I am halfway through and really enjoying it. It helps us understanding why our parrots behave the way they do and also give some tips on body language and training. It's good. Maybe you could check as well some training videos of the same woman that writes the book. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Barbara+Heidenreich&aq=f. And this video teaches how to use positive reinforcement for your parrot to stop screaming
. It is difficult, I know. But I think it's worth trying. Don't give up! You can do this! :) Also, is there a way you can try to encourage your BF to get more involved with Zak? Right training and harmony in your household would probably make everyone happier. Good luck!!


My husband is actually quite excited about getting a Grey as well. We read the book together, I'm always sharing information I learn with him. He's keen to participate and love our bird. I think that's important. And I'm hoping he won't change after the parrot is here. Regarding travelling, I don't have anyone to leave him with. :( My parents live in another country and my in laws in another city. But I intend to take our parrot with us for short trips (i.e when we visit my in laws). I think it's good to socialize the bird with other people. And I already looked up lots of pet hotels around my area for when we go on longer and distant trips. I know people who leave their pets in hotels and say it's a good option. And they are not too expensive (here in the UK varies from £5 - £15/day).


Thanks for your comment. I like hearing from people who have more experience with Greys. I'm taking everything into consideration before actually getting one.

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And reggie sounds like you did the right thing re-homing your Amazon. If he's happier with your ex that's what matters, isn't it? I would have done the same. How did your Grey stop screaming? Was it naturally (probably after he became an adult and felt more independent) or did you need to train him?

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Popsicle: Hi Morana,

The things you said are interesting. Got me curious about something though. Were you going out with your boyfriend already when you got Zak? Was it a joint decision or did it happen before your BF? Why doesn't he like Zak? Any specific reason?


I had Zak for several years befor my BF came into our lives. The combination of things is responsible for my BF not loving Zak. I'll try to simplify and shorten the story. When my BF and I met we almost immediately had to decide are we going to forget about each other or live together. That was because we lived at the oposite sides of our country, haven't finished college (but he was very close to finishing), without money and both had our last relationships to be longdistance ones so we were sure we are not up to that again. So he moved to my small apartment,and when we got all the furniture we needed for joined lives, the small apartment became tiny. So when youl live in one room with a bird and you are asthmatic (<-BF), got no place tu turn around to be alone, the bloody bird is always bothering you because he wants to be with you, or calling you to come and play, and my BF worked 3 yobs at the time and was exausted, overtime the annoyance towards the bird became frustration and anger and I would say latent agression as well. So, after almost 3 years living in that tiny apartment where everything is subjected to the bird (because Zak was here first) it became a BIG problem for us. Unfortunatelly, on top of it all, BF is Zaks favourite person so Zak was asking for much more attention from my BF than from me which drived him a bit more insane. So no, my BF doesn't like the bird. I haven't seen it (so clearly) till now.


Popsicle: About training, maybe you just need to learn some new things, to help you improve the quality of your training.


I think you kinda already get the picture where the problem is. Here is a bit more. I was a student for a long time because of my big medical problems. That means I couldn't work except tutor a bit at home. Didn't have money and the books I read were so general and not really helpfull. So, my bird was neglected for a long time because of my ignorance (not that I new I was doind something wrong). Side by side with my medical problems I finally got my head out of my ass and started digging more on the internet about parrots (because I finally realized something must be wrong). I found birdtricks.com. I raised money and I bought some of their dvds. This opened my eyes and I had progress with Zak within a week. Afterwords everithyng stopped because I lacked more money and you can't buy toys you need for Zak, food or books here where I live. Not the appropriate ones anyway. Everything he needs has to be ordered from abroad. Somwhere about that time I found this forum which was a huge revelation. However, i still have a BIG issue: with what to reward a bird (in training) if he is eating his favourite foods all day long!? I mean seeds and fruit. Why is he eating like that? Because I can't order pellets all the time and I still have trouble on switching Zak to a mash or veggies. Also, I don't have the time I need to be continuous in training, or anything really..:-S. It was/is always something (like it usually is in life;-)). I had to hurry up with finishing college, everything in my body was aching and I needed also to cook and clean; tutor when I could, so once again, Zak was on hold. Now is school which was overwhelming me with work; my BF had a huge surgery a month and a half ago and I had to renovate the whole apartment in which we would finally move..and once again..Zak is on hold...:-S I read the book (you suggested in your post) two weeks ago (while riding on a public transportation because it is all the free time I had) and that is why I said I always learn something which proves me wrong. I also watched some of the videos you suggested some time before and I have lot of materials from birdtricks.com but somehow it all seems like a SF to me in practice. I start, not get the results and later on I figure I missed something or did something wrong which I don't see while I'm doing it. Now I am finally cathing up with forum and Shanlungs stories so I am putting some begginers tips into practical use. I am a late bloomer;-)

I realyze some stuff in theory but practise..Uh..

I wont give up, I am very determined to make my relationship with Zak the best it can be but I am ashamed that I'm kinda back and fort for better half of the year.. Also' I missed Zaks baby years so I have a lot of learned bad behaviour to correct which is very challenging. Finally, summer came and I'll have a bit of free time now to dig even deeper and try to correct some issues. And finally... The biggest problem is that my BF is kinda undoing everything I achieve with Zak because he doesn't want to read anything, doesn't want to listen to what I read, so he is treating Zak in lots of ways which are bringing Zak back to old habits and whatever I try to say something about it, and whenever I try to talk to my BF about it he gets crossed and we have a fight. So, yes it is a big problem and I'm kinda trying for Zak to have less interaction with my BF. My BFs reluctance to accept any advice/information about Zak is a result of a greater disatisfaction about which I'm not going to talk about here.


Sorry for the spelling:-)

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Aww... hugs. Sounds a bit frustrating trying to fix Zak's behaviour and then having your BF bringing back old habits again. It's funny that you came into Zak's life a while before your BF and still he's Zak's favourite person. Is he a re-homed parrot? Is that why you said you missed his baby years? What you teach them in the first years does seem essential to how they will grow up to be. But you can always change behaviour with training, love and attention. Dave007 is the moderator here and he's a great person, always up for helping. He's got re-homed parrots that came to him troubled and he turned them into loving birds. Maybe if you contacted him he could give you some good advice. I was thinking about treats you can use for training... parrots love dried fruit and nuts. Greys seem to particularly love walnuts and hazelnuts. And they are easy to be found in supermarkets, health product shops, etc. Have you tried them before? Or is it something Zak also eats on a daily basis?


Well, I'm really hoping you can turn things around with Zak or at least get some progress this summer and also get your BF to understand how important training is. If he wants a well behaved parrot, that doesn't scream, etc, then that's the way to go and he needs to help. Good luck and if you ever want to talk about anything, you can contact me in private message. :)

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I missed Zaks baby years in a way that I didn't even know training existed or that there are even types of toys and that Zak could prefer one type of the toy of another-which he does;-) So as I didn't know that, he didn't play much or he played with potentially dangerous home made toys...and so on.. Not to mention I could have avoided aggressive behavior all together, or stress- when introducing new things,.. So no, he is not a re-homed parrot.

Zak doesn't like,at all, walnuts and hazelnuts:-S He gets them every day but nothing.. I tried in a shell, without it, grinned into mash,...nothing. He chews through dry fruit but doesn't eat it..

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