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Please can someone give me some bonding advive?


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ok so ive posted this before & people have told me that its jus gonna take time.

But they havent told me any good advice to really get the bonding between me & max off to a good start?


I got my grey last night from a lady who has had him since 10wks & he was 3 on thursday (3 days ago)....


He prefers females & i am one so thats a good start. When i went to veiw him at her house, he was a bit wary of me, but came on my hand & walked up my arm a few times fine.


So we get him home last night & he was very quiet, jo told us to jus talk to him thru the cage so i was for the rest of the night. This morning he was tryna open his cage so i let him out, i went to put my hand in for him to step up onto me & he just kept striking at me to bite....


In the end he climed out his cage on his own & was looking about. But then wouldnt step up onto my hand for me to put him back like he had at jo's house, & bit me a few times AGAIN.


In the end jo had to come round to put him away for me, she walked in & said have u been naughty max?..He nodded his head to say hes, stratrd talking to her, steped right up onto her, was kissing her, making all the noise affectss he knew & saying all the words he knows, it was amazing!!!!

She told him stop being bad max & get back in your cage & he did...


I so want him to be like that for me

Jo says keep him for another 2weeks jus to see if he will take to me...

Please please can someone give me some advice on how to bond with max???

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Your expectations are way too high in my opinion. It takes much longer than 2 weeks to develop a bond with any bird. They are very cautious and nervous creatures. I adopted a cag at around the same age, and it takes months and months of interaction, trust building, tlc, routine, etc before they start to relax a bit and learn that you are not to be feared as a threat to them.

Remember, that woman who this bird loves, trusts and is bonded with developed that over a 3 year time period. You need to be patient, have no expectations, if you dont't, your bird may never bond with you in the manner in which you want. They develop relationships on their own terms.

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What do i do about letting Max out of his cage?

He was out alot at his previous owners. I dont want to just leave him sitting in his cage for days on end :(

He tries to open his cage to come out, but i might not b able to get him bk in physically :(

Do i just let him go in & out on his own free will then???

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Don't put your hand in his cage, he WILL bite you as you found out. That is HIS territory, do not invade it while he is in there. You should open the door, stand back, and let him venture out on his own when he wants. You could be in the same room, gently, sweetly talking o him. He is in a new place, new people, different surroundings, scary stuff for a bird.


His world as he knew it is gone and that's frightening, he doesn't know you or that you are his new home. That will require lots of understanding, comforting woods, and reassurance. talk to him all thectime when your around with a calmness and gentleness. Tell him what you are doing. When he does come out, give lots of praise, "good bird, etc.". As he learns, you are not a threat, he will most likely step up for you when he is ready and then you can slowly, but gently put him in his cage when you need to. Make sure you move slowly around him, offer him a treat that you are holding in the other hand as you get hiim to step up and put him in his cage for distraction.

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So do i let him come out by himself, & then see if he goes back in in his own time

& if not bribe him in with treats & praise?


Thats pretty much it, wait until later in the day to let him out, do not put any food or water out so he has to go back to his cage to get it and if you still have a problem with him then let him see you put a treat that he loves inside the cage to entice him back inside, if all else fails then wait for darkness and use that to help you get him in as they don't see as well in the dark, you might be able to pick him up and put him back.

Greys are very slow to take to change so that is why we stress taking your time and being very patient, you cannot build a relationship in just a few short weeks, a grey's trust has to be earned and it takes time to do that, the former owner didn't accomplish that in just a short time and now that a new owner has taken over it will probably take longer than it did with her. You cannot rush this process or it will backfire in your face and you will have to start at the beginning again, take it slow and easy and allow it to proceed at Max's pace.

Is his cage in the part of the house where the family spends most of their time? Do you sit by his cage and talk to him, you can read the newspaper to him, tell him about your day and when you are interacting with him tell him what you are doing for they understand more than what we give them credit for.


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Hey Judy,


Yes his cage is in our sitting room at all times, so he is around us all the time.

I talk to him while im on my sofa & sometimes aproach his cage to talk to him quire a few times a day.

I know its a very long road, but i just want to know im doing the best for max & i want to b able to show him all the love i want to give him

Thank you very much for your reponse :)

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He does need to get out each day, if not, you will have a bird who you won't be able to handle. When he is out and you have to put him back in the cage, if he bites you, dont yell and pull away, tell him no. if you react and pull away, he will quickly learn that biting gets him his own way and then you will have bigger problems. Use a stick perch to put him back if he wont step up. but you should be the one to put him back so he learns you have some authority over him.

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He came out yesturday & i couldnt get him bk in, he wouldnt step on ontoi me & just kept biting & striking for me.

I had to call the previous owner round for help, *& he done as he was told right away.

She said to keep in in for a few more days before getting him back out again, so he hasnt been out today.

but he is playing about with his lock on his cage door as we speak lol

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don't keep him in his cage all day, he will then associate YOU with keeping him locked up, thats not good. let him out, use a stick perch to have him step up on with his favorite treat in your other hand for him to want to step up, and slowly move towards his cage.

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Onve he is out and seems a bit comfortable, which could take a while, maybe an enticing toy nearby will peak his interest and help him feel comfortable. he may just want to watch the goings on in the house to see if he should be scared or not.

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As stated in the previous thread, the woman who had the AG previously has given the new owner two weeks, and if they don't "work out" the bird goes back.


EDIT: A deposit was also left.

Edited by Eshana
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we got kallie a few months ago. she's a rehome and will be 3 in november. she was owned by a woman who passed away. that woman's daughter wasn't able to have birds due to her husband's health issue. kallie just thinks my husband is the best thing ever! she likes me well enough, i get to rub her head through the bars, she makes her sounds and talks for me. i clean her cage, do her food, etc. but for all that, my husband is her choice. we've been working on getting her to stop flying to our heads and stepping up instead. it's been touch and go. we always have to bribe her back into her cage and my husband has to leave the room most times or she'll just keep flying to his head. we love her to pieces!! it's a process that's for sure! she became comfortable with us fairly quickly, but it's her "training" to do step ups and returning to her cage that have been taking the longest time. she'll get it someday, but so far, in these respects, she's one stubborn little stinker, lol!!!

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I dim the lights and close the drapes in my parrot's room and they seem to know that it is now time to go to sleep. I give them fresh dry food and water and tell them nite, nite time. They will go back into their cages and have a snack and settle for the night. Try making the atmosphere more evening like and see if that will get Max back into this cage on his own. I would not continue to have Max's former owner over at this time, as this gives Max hope that she is there for him. Grey's are very intelligent, and he will soon learn that acting up gets his former owner back every time. Just relax and be at ease, Max senses your feelings so be in charge and relax so Max will also. I have a BF zon that I have had since September, Louie still does not trust me to touch him, we are working on it and I know he wants to be my friend, it will just take time.

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Max let me clean his cage today & change his food & water without biting me. (yippie)


he just sat & watched me....He came out of his cage today aswell. He did not step up, but came out with me standing close to his cage

& just looked around for about 20mins then went back in himself & tried to close his door, so i done it for him lol...


He has been talking alot aswell, but wont talk when me & my husband are in the room. Just when my 7y/o son is, or when no one

else is in the room & i sit on the stairs listening to him. Why is this please?.........

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Neither of my parrots talk when strangers are in the room. They need to be comfortable first. Max is probably quite comfortable with your son and I think this is a great plus as greys normally are very leery of children. This shows that your son has a good heart.

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He has been talking alot aswell, but wont talk when me & my husband are in the room. Just when my 7y/o son is, or when no one else is in the room & i sit on the stairs listening to him. Why is this please?.........

Some greys are "closet" talkers meaning they don't like to talk in front of anyone, they only chat when they think they are alone.

You are making some progress with Max, think of it in terms of small steps, he may not have stayed outside the cage for long but he may soon so just be patient with him, he has to feel safe and that takes time but you are doing beautifully.

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