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Louie's trick!!!!!

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Louie and I have been struggling to get along with each other. I can finally get Louie out of his cage and into a traveling cage so I can take him outside or into the living room. He still will not let me touch him without trying to bite me but he will finally get into the travel cage without chasing him!!!! Louie now knows to go back to the birdroom at night when I say, "Nite, Nite Louie. Time to go nite nite." He will fly back to the birdroom after seeing that I have turned the hall light on. Getting him back into the cage has finally come down to a tap on the cage. It is not ideal, I wish he trusted me to touch him, but at least he is very smart and does what I want about going out of the cage (never been a problem) and now back into the cage (more or less with a tap or two on the cage door). Perhaps one day, he will let me touch him and trust me too!!!! He is a jewel to have around and I wouldn't trade him for less than a million or two!

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Louie looks like quiet the boy and I think he will come around. I wish I new what I did right by Cricket that made her change so fast so I could share that with you. For the first 3 weeks I did not let her out of her cage and I would just sit and talk to her every time I came by her cage. It got to the point when ever I came into the room she would go to where my stool was and wait for me to come over. That is when I let her out of the cage and at that point I thing she fell in love with me and just turned out to be the sweet and gentle zon she is.

Some day Louie will know how good he has it or he already does and is just playing hard to get.

I think greys and zons know how to play us, We just have to learn how to play the game.

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Janet, it looks so pleasant on your deck. Can I come sit there with your birdies?


It's so hot in Texas, if I put my birds in the sun, they'd be fried birdies. I tried to sit on the porch in the morning, in the shade of the porch, with my grey. After a few minutes, he was holding his beak open from the heat, so we came back inside.

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It is very green and pleasant here, Birdnut so come on by!!! I guess that's why they call it the "Evergreen State!" It is can rain anytime as well as be sunny! Ray, I do believe Louie is teasing me. He will come very close to me, but will not step up or let me touch him if I reach for him. He is a tease!!!!! I wish I had talked to the husband who owned Louie to see what the schedule was and how they interacted. Because he was ill, perhaps Louie was really a cage bird and the hubby just talked to him or Louie just sit near him. I guess I will never know now, I'll just keep trying because Louie is really worth any trouble he can be. He is so smart and playful! He also knows how to get along with Ana Grey, the little Diva, and not break a sweat!!!!

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I love Louie too. I have been trying for a big part of my morning to get that video downloaded, there was something updating in the background hogging my modem. LOL. So, I finally got to see Louie roll over and sun himself. I liked the sound of your wind chimes in the background. Then I went to another video and saw Louie on his playgym swinging and playing and heard your clock chime. You and your birds have a lovely home together. In time Louie will come to enjoy your touch, I am sure of it. He sure makes the day brighter with laughter, doesn't he?

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