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She is gone.. flew away

Shelly Yokum

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This evening I had Val out of the cage and on the play stand. Trying to get her use to use. So far she doesn't like my son. When ever he walks by, she growls or flies. She has been clipped, but can still fly around just a little.

Austin had opened the door, and banged it on the way out. There she went. I went out after her, but she turned the corner much faster than I could. The wind was blowing a little. I have looked and looked. I have saw nothing, heard nothing. I don't know what to do. I didn't think she would go far, I have done all I know to do to find her.

After only having her a week, she was my baby and love her so much. Between the cats and hawks I am scared I have seen the last of her. My heart is broken.

I have looked high and low, I looked under cars, porches, under pinning. I don't know how far she went before landing.

Please say a little prayer that I can find her in the morning, a live and well.

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Well, thank you! I am so happy this morning. I woke up and ran outside, to look again. Pretty much hopeless, but still praying. I walked in a direction that I thought was hopeless, and there she was. Just past some weeds, where I think she had been hiding. I saw that little grey head peak up from a distance. I called her name, and she looked around and headed back for the weeds. When I got there she came right to me. She had a wet tail, and I clamped down on her feet to carry her home. She didn't like that, and started biting me. I didn't let go until we were home safe and sound.

She is eating and ringing her bell. I can breath again. She's home!!! She is going for a better clipping until she gets use to use. Some people think its cruel to clip them. I think its cruel for them to get out and get hurt, cold, or eaten. I love her so much, that I just cried when I found her.

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I am SOOOO happy to hear you got your little Val back! When I saw this thread just a moment ago, I thought Uh-oh! but then with your last post I was just grinning, so glad for you....


Perhaps you might want to take Val to the vet soon, too, just for a check-up? I was reading online yesterday that parrots who escape outside sometimes encounter wild birds that can spread to them various illnesses or bacteria. It's just a thought, to see what the vet says; or at least call them up.


Anyway, congrats on getting your baby back! Yay! I am so glad for you both. Kisses to Val for me.


Personally, I don't think it's "cruel" to clip, not in all cases. Some parrots, yes, I think would react too badly to the change for me to want to do it to them--like our Ringneck, for instance, I just have a feeling that would change his personality too much (in a bad way) to do it. But our Beaker, our Quaker parrot, has been clipped numerous times and after that first attempted flight afterward it's like, Oh, I can't go high anymore. And he just continues on like nothing's different, he just walks instead of flies. (He's flighted now though and he's quite the aerial dynamo anymore!) So it's up to the owner to make an educated decision for each of their birds. Parrots were meant to fly, that's definitely true, but they really weren't meant to be in captivity either. So if you feel you need to do this now, find someone who knows what they're doing and has lots of good recommendations so Val gets a proper, safe clip for her age and species, and if in the future you think you can allow to let her wings grow out again, then you can always do that too.

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Thank you both, it means a lot to have special friends, that you can count on. Knowing that we will never probably meet face to face, but always there to listen. I have done nothing but cry and pray from the time she left. I just ordered a harness for her from ebay. I hate to clip her, but in this case until she isn't so jumpy around my little boy I think its a must. My macs don't pay him any mind, and Prince just loves him. Val will to in time.

You all know what I went through loosing Rocco, I just prayed not to go through this again. My baby girl is home safely and that is all that matters. I have to say that all my babies will be getting their very own harness.

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I have been gone for two weeks and this was the first post I read this morning after driving about sixteen hours to get home yesterday. My heart was in my throat and I am estatic this turned out the way it has. I am so happy you found her, it must have been traumatizing for you both. It helps to keep me ever mindful that even though Gilbert can't fly today, I never know with the right motivation or fear when the day will come that he is capable and just has not "shown" me. We all have a two step process to go outside making sure always to come and go through the garage and to never open the garage doors until the house door is secure. It might be a pain, but I will show your posts to my family and make sure they continue the process. Thanks for sharing such a troubled time, we all learn from one another.

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Kat, I have had birds most of my adult life. Parakeets, a concure, a couple of quakers, and cockatiels, now Macaws and of course my sweet lil Val. Never had I thought this would happen, I knew it was possible, I always kept the doors and windows closed when the birds were out, now that I have a 4 year old that doesn't think about the danger. I have just ordered a harness, and going to the vet on Monday. I would hope that No body has to go through this, but My little girl is scared of everything right now. She knows me and comes to me, but she hasn't gained my trust yet either. We will take more precautions from now on. I take the big boys outside all the time, I guess I am lucky I haven't went through this with them. Good Luck, and I think you are off to smart thinking. If we have these creatures, its our duty as their care taker to make sure they are happy, and safe.

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Thanks Shelly, Val will get settled and I would guess she will NEVER want to go toward the door again. With us, I have read a lot and have been careful with Gilbert but it gets to feeling complacent for our extended family that since he doesn't fly they think he "can't" fly and I keep in my mind always that today could be that day. We will have grandchildren some day and I would rather train my family and friends now and be motivated by knowing how bad it would have felt to be in your shoes overnight, or worse. Not one of us would take chances with our beloved birds, it is the unexpected and unfathomable that startles us into vigilance and your sharing helps us all so we can make a plan for how we will handle our flighted birds and even for our clipped or otherwise flight impaired parrots. You and Val will be back to normal soon. It just makes my blood run cold to know what you have been through. Every day is a gift and today is the best day we have.

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This was wonderful news to hear that Val is home, safe and sound. I am ecstatic for you both. This is my worst fear for my Ana Grey. I know she wants to fly outdoors so very much. If I go outside there she is sitting my the door waiting for her chance to fly out if I am careless. Every time I put her harness on her and take her out she tries at least once to take flight she wants to be free outside so very much. Does she enjoy being with me?? I believe very much but she is a bird and so wants to fly in the breeze as God intended. I really can't blame her. I do have cloth screening over both of my outside doors and wooden beads in the doorway. It looks funny and visitors and salespeople look at me weird, but I don't care. If you come to my house be quick and get inside when I welcome you as I would never hesitate to shut the door in a person's face to keep my birdies in and safe if I hear flapping wings coming my way!


May God keep Val home safely with her loved ones.

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I won't clip my birds either. I just spent $800 to have full glass storm doors put on all my doors for added protection. Nilah has almost gotten out a few times as she wants to go everywhere I go..... It's the garage in and out for us also.

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Michelle I saw your thread just now and thought the worse but so glad it had a happy ending, you didn't have to suffer for long before you found your precious Val but it is something we hear about often here on the forum. These things do happen and you were very lucky to find her so soon, she definitely had an angel watching over her.

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glad to hear you have your baby back :) Cody is my only flighted bird , the vet suggested it because he barbers under his wings and so far he hasn't managed to slip out the door , I have to get after people when they come to visit especially a g/f of mine not to leave our balcony door open and to close it really quick , she forgets because she has no pets at her house

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Bird people are the best people. I am here checking in, after the nite nite routine with my son, and birdies. It is so nice we have this place to chat, discuss and learn from everyone. Has anyone every had their bird land in the potty? A friend of mine just got a cockatiel, as a first bird. She wanted a mac, and after being around mine she decided, she wasn't ready for something big, loud, and so messy and needy. She was letting her baby fly around the house, and it landed in the potty, and almost drowned. I usually keep the seat down, because it just looks better. Now having a little boy in the house again its usually up. I never thought about this danger, so I thought I would pass it on.


Val is making an odd noise tonight as I was cleaning up cages and dishes. She sounded almost like a bull frog. I have to say I hope this doesn't last long. She is a lot braver acting after her big outdoor adventure. She has had an attitude all day. I am hoping that she probably didn't get much sleep outside, and after a restful night in her bed she will be in a better mood tomorrow.

Thank you all for your kind words it really means a lot.

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Maybe she learned "bull frog" during her overnight adventure outside? That's kind of cute, actually!


We personally have never had anyone land in the toilet, but there have been a few close calls. I often bring Beaker into the bathroom ("the Showertime room") and always put the lid down when he's out of the birdroom. Recently Marcus started allowing me to pick him up with an actual lift-the-foot-step-up :) :) :) so that he can perch on the towel rack while I shower, and of course I put the lid down too. There are a lot of things you have to be aware of with flighted birdies in the house! I found a site the other day that deals with household safety and birds:




It was a bit of a shock to read, because there are a LOT of personal stories (most, unfortunately, with sad endings) from people with parrots who became 'comfortable' with how they had been dealing with their babies, but one day that laid-back attitude allowed for tragedy. So it was a wake-up call for me to be extra vigilant (and to hound my hubby about all the precautions that need to be taken around here). Maybe you'll find that site informative and helpful, too.

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We always close the lid of the toilet before flushing because hubby read an article that talked about all the germs thrown around the room during the flushing action. (Think about THAT on your toothbrush!) So I don't even have to remind him. Lids always closed when not in use.

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Happy ending to your tale-just keep in mind that birds even properly clipped wings can gain altitude and disapear in seconds when conditions are just right. A gust of wind a sudden noise a sudden fright and off they go leaving us in disbelief on the ground. Adding a screen door or entry way will help and never go outside with her with out a harness or a carry cage to be extra safe!

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Thanks so much guys. She is a little charmer that is for sure. I would have been so lost without her. She is making the kissing sound now when I enter her room. She makes her way to the food dish at breakfast time, and crawls out the hole well I clean her dish and refill it. Then she jumps to my hand while putting it back. Then I have to open the door to let her go eat. Several times, it sounded like she was saying step up, because Roy says it all day long. I am not sure that is what I am hearing. I think she might be too young to talk yet. I am sitting on the edge of my seat just waiting for the words to begin.

I have her harness, and she went to biting it right away. I just hung it on the play stand and she just pulls it and bites it. So When I get the nerve to go the next step, I think she will be ready.

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