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Got my cage, what a nightmare but it's a sign things are getting closer!


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Got my cage, what a nightmare but it's a sign things are getting closer!


I'm not going to mention where I ordered my cage from, due to the fact I plan on calling them and demanding they fix a few things and or give me a discount. I’ll give them a chance to do the right thing.


I went looking for a stainless steel cage and the one I wanted is out of stock almost every place I checked and or was hundreds more at other places. So I found a company who stated they had one but they used it as parts for people who had issues with their cages from shipping or whatever. They told me they would pull parts from another cage (Dome cage, I believe) that was the same size. I figured why not, they really didn't give me much off ($25.00) for doing this but I figured everything should be new and in good order.


I got it today, a bar is bent, they sent 5 bowls (3 large and 2 small) however this is a play top cage and the 2 small bowls should fit there. This piece must have been taking from another cage because the bowl holders will only hold the larger bowls and not the small bowls. So I need to get 2 larger bowls or have them send me the correct piece that will hold the smaller bowls.


I have a ton of extra bolts, screws and nuts. I'm missing wing nuts, the front lock isn't working correctly, the part you grab to pull the lock open falls off and I had to buy washers. We got it together but damn!


This is an A&E Cage. I'm guessing their cages are pretty good but the company I got it from isn't great. If I was doing something like this I would damn sure make sure everything is perfect and correct. I must also give A&E an F on their instructions. I'm glad I was able to figure a lot of it out but damn!


Anyway... Here it is. I'm getting excited!



Edited by kingsnake
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I have the same cage! If not its pretty close to the same. I got mine of CL too, but it was still brand new. The first pic was at our Cali house when I first got the cage. Babalu did not like to stay on top so I took the play top thing off.




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I have the same cage! If not its pretty close to the same. I got mine of CL too, but it was still brand new. The first pic was at our Cali house when I first got the cage. Babalu did not like to stay on top so I took the play top thing off.





BABALLLUUUUUUUUUUUUU !!!!! Awesome name- I love it! Very nice cage. Seeing these makes me want one, but Im happy with what I have, (for now) lol.

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Thanks Cupid. I paid $975.00 for mine but if they took off the $25.00 extra it should be $950.00. I'm going to try and work with the company, the ball will be in their court. We will see if they do the right thing, but thanks for looking and if they don't I will check back and research those above cages. Thanks again.


I just setup my Saltwater Fish Only aquarium yesterday. I will post pictures below. It's of course cycling now... When I put the live rock in I saw 3 hermit crabs, a baby starfish and some Coralline growing but I don't think the crabs and starfish will make it but if they do that will be awesome. I'm setting up the 265G as you see in the picture above next to the bird cage as a reef tank. I should have it going in a week or so, waiting on parts. I love my man cave and I like having my animals close.



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I do have to say, putting my cage together was a pain in the rear. The guy told me it would take 45 minutes.... it took me 2 1/2 hours! The instructions were very lacking on my cage as well but with a little cajun ingenuity I was able to make it work. I think it would be a good idea for cage companies to have better assembly instructions because it seems to be a common theme.

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Kingsnake, when is the BIG day? ? ?


Towards the end of July or begining of August. I want to make sure it's eating on its own and as long as it is doing that I don't mind feeding if I have too.



I called and emailed Avian Emporium AKA: http://www.bird-supplies.net this past Monday. I should have all replacement parts tomorrow and a $25.00 refund. They shipped the stuff out Tuesday but they didn't send the bar that holds the small bowl but instead sent out larger bowl. Today I called A&E and asked them how much this part would cost and they told me the cage I got the bar is on the right and comes with large bowl holders. I asked why I was sent 2 small bowls along with telling her that I went by what the picture showed and that for the money I thought I would get exactly what was in the picture. I gave her an example of buying a computer online and getting a diffrent looking computer than I odered blah blah blah. I also told her I wanted the play toy hook on the left as the picture showed because it would be close to the wall and that's what I wanted. She is going to check with someone tomorrow to see if I can get it.


I did tell her in an email to send a msg up the chain of command about making better instructions but I didn't get a reply on that.


I love the quality of the cage and customer service is working with me without any real issues. I would buy again but probably would not let a company take parts from other cages (I WAS 100% AWARE OF THIS WHEN I BOUGHT THE CAGE) and just wait for a new one to come in.

Edited by kingsnake
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Sounds like they are trying to make it right.


"I also told her I wanted the play toy hook on the left as the picture showed because it would be close to the wall and that's what I wanted." - is this top assembly not reversable?

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