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Help Restore My Peace!!


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I've have one CAG "gaia" since 1986 as part of a rescued pair. When his buddy died 4 years ago, I bought "shyla" a plucker from the bird shop with serious emotional issues to keep Gaia company. Shyla is now beautiful and feathered, and my little pal. Now that Gaia is getting old and spends 23 hours a day hiding out in his nesting box, I decided Shyla was lonely because she kept calling for me "I want my mama!" and the guilt factor was a nightmare as I have a few other pets/kid/etc. So I got "Quimby" a 3 month old (I think) who's still weaning off the exact handfeeding. Q. is quite a lover and very sweet, lets us all touch him all over (I think he's a he).

The problem: Shyla and Gaia HATE Quimbly.


I had visions of three greys romping and climbing on the junglegym togehter (no one is caged) they're all in my home office. If Q. gets too close, they come after him, beaks open, ready to spar and fence him until he flies off. Especially Shyla, who was very jealous when we first brought Q. home.


Any ideas? Is this a normal adjustment, and if so, how long does is it going to take for us all to get along???

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You'll just have to keep them apart. Your problem is why I keep telling people don't get a pet for your pet but get a pet for you and call it a bonus if they can even stand each other.

Parrots kept in close quarters is just not "natural" to them. In the wild they can get away from that offensive parrot and they never hurt each other.

But in our homes there is rarely enough room to get away and it can get nasty.

Maybe take one or two to live at home with you?

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Yeah I'm not into buying companions for my birds cause as long as they have human interaction, they should be fine. I would just keep them seperated as sad as it is, and the other reason they may not like him is an age thing, but who knows with Greys. You're luckly your other 2 got along, cause mine sure as heck don't!

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Welcome Jackie! It's nice to have you on this Forum. :-)


It seems you were very fortunate that Gaia accepted Shyla and they enjoy each others Company.


A 3 Month old Baby is a completely different story. It's not natural for a Baby to be exposed to strange Adult Greys, only their Parents (or Owners) are the Norm.


They all stay together in your Home Office, with no Cages? I probably misunderstand your post.


Youve had your Original since 1986. How old was he when you got him?


You have 2 decades of experience with Greys, so I am sure you could give many here good advice based on that experience. :-)


We look forward to hearing more from you and maybe see some Photos. :-)


Also, why don't you post an introduction of yourself in the welcome room. That way the other members will know you are new. :-)

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Thanks for all the replies. My first pair in 1986 was a wild-caught breeding pair that failed to breed. They were sold for big $ to a family that had no idea what to do with them. They abused them so badly Alfie (Gaia's mate) would scream in terror at the sight of a human being. That rehab was slow going. But by the time Alfie died a few years ago, he was a "normal" domesticated bird with only a few minor quirks, mostly male stranger oriented.


With Quimby et al, I've been moving their perches/gyms/cages closer together, each day an inch or so. I'm just going to take it slow and see what I can do. As long as they don't share the same exact real estate, they are coexisting fine. I just wondered if there was a general timeline for birds to get used to each other. I had no idea many don't. Maybe the wild caught mentality is different to the home grown variety. ;-) Or who knows, maybe I just got lucky.


Thanks again for your replies. See you around!

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Hi Jackie,


What an interesting story you have to tell.


I am sure you could share tons of information on Wild captured Grey's versus domesticated.


Having actually been members of a wild flock. One would think they would more readily accept new ones into their Flock, such as babies, once they have matured and left the sides of their Parents.


I have never read of a general guideline on how long on average it would take two parrots to accept each other, if they ever do.


You must had one wild ride in trying to overcome the abusive baggage those poor wild caught Greys suffered at the hands of those previous owners.


Please share more as you have time. :-)

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The thing you have to remember is in the wild they have LOTS of room to get away from birds they don't like.

Wild birds don't bite each other they make lots of noise get tall and try to scare the other off to a different tree.

In our homes they can't do that and that is why they hurt each other.

Breeder birds tend to be kept in much larger cages then we keep in out homes and have very little human contact so that keeps down the fighting. Not they they don't fight cause they still hurt each other but not as often.

My amazon Joey is wild caught and his mate still beat him and hurt him (luckly not real bad just cuts and scraps) he is the sweetest pet but for some reason can't seem to get along with others.

I have a quaker that was set up to breed but he too could not get along with other birds he would guard the food boul and try to hurt the other birds. That is why Dandy lives with me now.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/09/08 13:38

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Tari - You Wrote : "Wild birds don't bite each other they make lots of noise get tall and try to scare the other off to a different tree."


I have watched "Wild Birds" attack both by biting and with Talons fiercly damaging another Bird, sometimes even killing them.


I am not talking about Hawks either, I have seen Blue Jay's, Crow's, Mocking Birds etc. do this.

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In genereal parrots do not attack each other in the wild. Even when they are defending a next from anouther parrot the offending parrot well fly away rather then fight.


I have seen and read that parrots very rarely bite each other in the wild in other places also.

See if I can find more.

http://www.naturalencounters.com/images/Publications&Presentations/Biting_Its_Not_For_The_Birds-Steve_Martin.pdf<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/09/08 14:14

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Guest briansmum

interesting topic here that article is really good, great find tari.


it makes sense that they wouldnt bite in the wild, they'd fly away before getting bitten.

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The key word in the article is "Rarely Bite".


They do Bite in the Wild..........


Just as you can observe other Birds around your location. They are not battling all the the time, but on rare occurrences they do.


We see the same behaviour in Domesticated birds and parrots in the home. Some are one happy family, the others can not be allowed out at the same time or they will either mame or kill one another.


Pretty much as is amongst all living creatures on Earth. :-)

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Actually, what I've found in the years I've done rescue of different species of parrot and dogs, cats, horses, etc- that once the initial settling in period is over, they seem to fit into the family circle and dynamic in such a way that while they maintain their personalities, they do mirror the general mood of the unit. Does this make sense? When we're tense, our animals are edgy. When we're happy & content, harmony reigns supreme. Are we fearful? Then we'll see it in our feathered family members in particular.


I could write pages about different rehab techniques...LOL. With Alfie, who would scream bloody murder at the sight of a human being, I just basically ignored him for a year. Just fed him, cleaned his cage, took care of his surroundings without making eye contact, just humming quietly as I worked. Gradually, he would stop screaming the whole time I was near him, and then it softened to a low growl, which eventually stopped entirely. But it did take awhile for that very important first step!


Sorry- I didn't mean to ignite an issue with my original post. I assumed this was an adjustment period that everyone went through. And if my belief/theory of the family dynamic holds true, within a year, they'll be one happy family. I'll let you know. :cheer:

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You are absolutely right regarding the family and environmental dynamics effects upon animals or Birds.


We have been rescuing Dobermans for 10 years now and have dealt with a few real basket cases.


Most importantly, as you pointed out, is they feed off your emotional state.


I believe we would all just love to see you write a mountain of information on this topic or any other for that matter. :-)


I wish you well in your search for another Parrot and success in integrating him/her into your Family as a member.

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