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Male or Female Companion


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Getting another Grey to be a companion for your existing grey may or may not work out. If you got a female, there is no guarantee they would like each other. Also, do not place them in the same cage, one could wind up dead. Always get a second cage to put your next bird in. After you let them observe each other from a distance, you can monitor closely how their interaction evolves over days, weeks and months.


Your grey really does not need another grey for company. You are his "Flock" and whom the companionship is based upon. Two birds will start competing for your attention and many times become jealous and attack the other bird if within reach.


It's great that you have asked this question before bringing home another bird and perhaps being disappointed. :)

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Dan is right on the money with his advice, even if you get another grey and they get along with each other they need separate cages for they like to have a place to call their own, greys can become territorial about their cage and do not like another grey, bird or even us humans invading their space.

If you want to get another bird to be company for your grey that is ok, I have 3 fids and they have their own cages but are company for each other when I am not at home.

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