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Silly Parrot!!


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As usual my animals keep me very entertained. Just heard this encounter between Biscotti & Mandy, the dog.

Mandy went over to hoover around Biscotti's cage for any tidbits he may have thrown out, well she was so busy she didn't notice Biscotti had gone down to the bottom of his cage to watch her.

When Mandy looked up & realized she was being watched and had been caught she gave Biscotti a "woof"!

He promptly called her a dork & went back up to his perch!


It cracked me up!! These animals are so funny, can't imagine a life without them. :D

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That's so funny..my German shepherd Augustine isn't nearly as nice to my Jimbob--he just runs up and starts barking like crazy. Sometimes Jimbob even tries to fight back! It's so funny to see him nipping at Auggie through the cage bars. No one gets hurt of course. :D What kind of dog do you have?

Edited by CelloChess
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Ray, sounds like Corky & Smokey have a good relationship!! :) Biscotti will also call the dogs by name & whistle for them. He will tell them "good dog" or "bad dog" according to his mood. When Mandy goes to the front door he says "Mandys gotta go pee!", and if he thinks they have alarm barked too long he will tell them "that's enough!".

The dogs totally ignore him.

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First off, when I told my hubby about Biscotti calling your doggie a "dork", he broke up into giggles. Thanks for sharing that! I hope your dog didn't take offense at Biscotti's comment! ;)


When Mandy goes to the front door he says "Mandys gotta go pee!", and if he thinks they have alarm barked too long he will tell them "that's enough!".

The dogs totally ignore him.


Haha, occasionally we will let Marcus out of the birdroom to walk around the floor once the cats have been let out or put in our bedroom or something. Sometimes, though, he slips out on his own! The other day our dog, Dahlia, was lying in the hallway just beyond the birdroom and Marcus scurried out so fast... when we saw where he was, he was right by Dahlia, who was just looking at him curiously, very calm. My husband told her, "Dahlia, go to bed," so she would move, and she started to get up, but Marcus whistled immediately and said, "Go lay down!" He thinks he's king of her, but she has no respect for his 'authority', either! All of these poor dogs! :P

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