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Update on Koko


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Well this afternoon will be 1 week since we took in Koko and Eggbert (cockatiel). We moved Koko to a much larger cage, which provided to be a bit difficult. It was the first time we opened her cage. We pushed the two cages together thinking she could just walk in. After several hours she found the 1 tiny space that she was able to squeeze through and managed to get out of both cages and on top of the old one.


It was the first time she came out. She hung out for a bit, looking around and "beeping" (the only noises she makes are beeping and ringing noises). We were just chatting - wondering if she knew how to fly or if her wings were clipped as we watched her and it was as if she knew what we were talking about and took off flying around the house. Once she found a place to sit quietly, my dad went over and she stepped up on his hand immediately and we put her safely in to the new cage. Since then we have opened the cage every night, but has only come out 1 other time. Again, flying around the room until she landed on the ground and when I went over to her, she gently stepped up on to my hand. I held her for a few minutes, but am still very nervous with her. Since we know nothing of her background - I don't know if she is used to being handled. So I put her back in her cage.


So we're slowly letting her out (and only when the fans are off, doors are closed and locked and the dogs are in their crates). I've seen recommendations of putting their favorite treat in your hand to encourage them to step up - but Koko seems to hate everything - except carbs.


I give her a bowl of fresh food twice a day and she won't touch the kale, blueberries, blackberries, almonds, carrots, broccoli but will taste the whole wheat noodles, wheat bread, wheat Chex and brown rice we've offered. I know that can't be healthy!


I've started using a spray bottle of "bathe" them twice a week - and wow she hates that. Biting at the cage/bottle (I do it through the bars, I won't open her cage to do it because she is so angry).


She also seems to have no interest in toys. We bought some new items this weekend, and she won't even go near them in her cage. She only plays with this one bell (that's actually missing the inside that makes the bell ring).


I know it's only been a week, but I just feel like I am not doing something right - or that maybe I'm forcing it. I don't want to upset her any more than she already is.


Here's a picture from the first time she got out of her cage (when she was moved in to her bigger home)

Koko2 resized.jpg

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It`s only been a week and she just needs time to adjust. Sit by her cage and talk to her read to her sing to her (I can`t carry a tune in a basket but I try)

When she is out and she steps up give her a treat or do something to show her your happy with her step up.

It just takes a little time and when she is ready she will come out of her shell.

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We adopted Annie 3 weeks ago, and she too was very much like you are describing. She will step up for me (the adult male in the family) but not for anyone else (she was owned by a male previously). As a matter of fact, she doesn't really care for anyone else at this time. Just as you were saying, Annie wouldn't touch any foods either besides carbs and her seed. Now that she sort of has my trust, if I eat something and make a big deal about it, she will at least try it now as well. Sometimes, she even goes as far as to pretend that she is eating it and then just chucks it. I think she is trying to make me happy. I have also noticed a regurgitation whenever I finish petting her. She likes to sit on my hand and likes me to scratch and pet. It did take a bit for all of this to happen (besides the scratching) but hang in there, Koko will come around. Time and patience is all that is needed. Everyday, I notice Annie advancing and her personality comes out more and more. I'm sure Koko will come around as well.

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Koko has only been with you for one week, that is not nearly enough time for an older rehomed grey to settle in and feel comfortable, give her plenty of time and be patient with her for this process can take weeks, months or even a year. Sit by her cage and talk to her, tell her about your day and what you are doing, she may understand more than what you think she does, offer her treats and do not be too worried about her eating habits right now as you can do more to correct them later, right now you want to work on building trust.

The toys you are offering her are new to her and when she gets used to them and realizes they are not out to get her she may start playing with some of them, in the meantime you can play with them yourself and pretend you are having a good time so it will entice her to want to do the same.

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Let her tell you what she wants. If she will step up onto your hand after she flies around and lands on the floor, then hold her on your hand awhile. You can tell when they want to get down because they will start to lean towards the floor, or towards something besides your hand....


You're doing everything just as I would, but I would take the toys and put them in the same room for awhile. Then perhaps put them on the floor, next to her cage. Then in a day or two, move one at a time into her cage.

As far as the foods go- keep offering the stuff she doesn't eat. Sometimes it will take 20 times bfore they will even try it :\



Grey's are so intelligent, she is trying to learn you, and learn your habits...as well as trying to figure out if you're a good person or a scary one :) You're doing wonderfully :) Just give her time.

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my grey hates water sprays too, maybe trying putting a bowl of water down to see if he will bathe in there, it might be what he's used to.


Sounds to me like a previously well looked after bird, and used to being handled as it didn't try to bite you. dont be afraid to spend some time together.

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