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My Budgie when it comes to my TAG


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I have a question. The budgie I have now - a young female, I think - I found a few days ago on the beach. Nobody claimed him when I put flyers around or anything. I will be getting a TAG soon. I've heard about having to have him checked or something... I forgot exactly what it's called. Something with a 'v', if I remember well. What exactly is this and should I do it? I have him for a few weeks now and am perfectly healthy myself. He looks healthy himself too, with warmish feet, no extracts from eyes or cere and perfect droppings x3 He's a cheerful little girl that gets a lot of flying time outside of his cage. He flies a lot. Is always attent, looking around.


However, I'm worried for my future TAG, which is why I've asked the questions above. Please, all answers are greatly appreciated ^^

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Quarantine is keeping any new birds separated from birds you already have for a period of time, usually at least 30 days. This is done to prevent a new bird from exposing your birds to any disease. Sometimes a new bird might carry some disease that is not evident at first. A period of quarantine gives time for a disease to manifest. During this period, the birds should be kept in different areas of the home, and anyone handling the birds should wash well after handling the new bird. The purpose of a quarantine period is to protect the birds already in your household.


If you have had your budgie for at least 30 days, and it is still healthy and active, before getting your TAG, it should be all right.

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