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Sleep Cage or Not?


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Some members use sleep cages and some don`t and some members have a bird room.

We do not use a sleep cage and at nite we just cover them at bedtime. They are in the main part of the house whear we spend 90% of our time.

It`s up to you if you want a sleep cage we never felt a need for one and we like being close to our birds.

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Well, my TAG's cage would be in the living room, but one of the guys who lives here wakes up at five (an hour earlier than needed) and I really want my TAG to be able to sleep as long as she wants and/or can. That's why I'm pondering over getting a sleep cage.


Also, should I let my TAG go into airconditioning or not? And should I let him sleep in it? I doubt it's all that healthy ._.

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One of my parrots has a sleep cage in my bedroom that I cover. It's a long story as to why she does, I've posted it several times here. Her cage is quite large, but it was her only cage when I first got her. My other 2 just get covered downstairs.

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I was given an awesome day cage when I got Hawkins so I bought a pretty cheap sleep cage for our bedroom. I wanted him to stay on the same sleep/wake schedule as I am on if possible and I knew that if he stayed in the single cage the folks in my house up early would wake him. So, I got the other for mostly selfish reasons but it has worked well for us as he still is on my personal wake/sleep schedule. I am hoping that as he matures it will also cut down on some territoriality but I really have no clue how that will play out. He is only a year and a half. I got my sleep cage on ebay. I would never use it for anything but this as the cage would never stand up to his day to day use. It has only one toy in it for those rare days he wakes before me. But usually I find him on his favorite perch every morning. I don't know if I can even recommend doing this as some parrots might shred this cage really quick even if only used for sleep. I just lucked out with my parrot and his temperment and my cages.

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I'm certainly no expert. I have just always done what I have done. I do not have sleep cages and I also don't cover the cages. The birds are in the solarium which is right off the family room. There is light that comes into their room in the morning but they don't make noise until they hear someone stirring upstairs. Occassionally our Sennie will "talk" to the birds outside in their language. It doesn't seem to bother them if we stay up late watching TV. The mini macaw will say "goodnight" a few times but then it's sleepy time.

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