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At what age can you tell a Greys personality?


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In the past I have bought cats and dogs and its been great having the owners tell me, this cat or dog really has a great personality and is going to be a really great pet. So far the breeders have been 100% correct where I am 0% correct picking out the best dog or cat for my family. I'm curious if parrots are the same way (just weaned)? Will a breeder who spends time with the birds for the first 3 or so months beable to tell what bird is going to be a good pet with a cool personality?

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I think personalities begin to emerge during the first few months. For example, some babies will be more shy; some more outgoing. The breeder will be able to note this. The bird's personality continues to evolve through the maturation process, over a period of several years.


As with different breeds of dogs, different species of parrots will tend to have particular types of behavior and personalities. Someone who has experience with a particular type of bird will be able to tell you what type of personality they tend to have.


Whether or not a particular parrot becomes a good pet with a cool personality will depend a lot on how it is handled and managed by its keeper. A good pet will be one who has enjoyed a great deal of out-of-cage time and a lot of positive interaction with its keeper and other people.

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