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My Future TAG and Noise


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My backyard will soon be re-constructed from simple, annoying ground with grass growing all over into a brick backyard with a pool ^^ I don't know how long it'll take it, but the ground is tough and it'll take some serous drilling to get to the deepness we want at some points. It'll make a lot of freaking noise, obviously, and because of this I am scared for my TAG. I hear Timnehs are better when it comes to loud noises than Congos, but I'm still worried. Will he be (severely) affected, and nervous, and whatnot, or would he be pretty okay? Feel free to post any experiences.

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No bird is better at handling noise. I don't know where you heard or saw that comparison. You're the first person to ever say that concerning noise. You simply put the bird in another area where he can't see construction workers. They get nervous from seeing all the equipment and strangers moving around. He may be nervous but loads of parrots can be nervous and it's no big deal.

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At 4th of July time, the days before and a couple after, it gets pretty noise from the fireworks around here (I live in a small town). In the State of Washington, civilians are allowed to use and have fireworks that go off into the sky. When it is noise, I have my birds in their room, a back bedroom, and turn of the radio so music fills the air to distract them So far this has worked to quiet and calm my parrots.

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Thank you both for your comments =3 I'm just really nervous 'cause the ground is really tough here, to the point that one of the guys says it'll make the house shake. I'm not sure if I should believe him, though >.< But either way, thank you for your comments!! =D I'll try keeping him in a room where he can't see the workers and the equipment, with the windows and doors closed to keep the noise out as much as possible, and turn music on softly so he can concentrate on that. I'll stay with him just in case when the drilling happens and all, to keep him company. If I'm home, at least.

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If I'm home, at least.

If you know the construction crew are coming and you won't be home go ahead and move him into the room where you are going to put him and turn the music up so he doesn't hear all that racket, that way you will be on the safe side.

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You don't own your TAG yet so simply wait. You have too many variables at this point from household, bonding concerns, construction, moving, etc. Wait until you have less demands from your grey- you don't own yet anyway, what's another 6 months or even a year until you have a your enviroment settled first.

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We're not acrually moving, it's just one trip back to where I am. And it's because I'm gonna most probably buy her in the vacation, because I can't find anyone here who sells Timnehs. After that the only actual concern is the construction. I'll be leaving this home and household in four years, and even after living alone I'd still have concerns abotu bonding, leaving her alone, blah blah blah. The only huge concerns that I thought could or would affect her where the plane ride and the construction. After the construction it's all peace and quiet ^^

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Cleo my almost 3 year old CAG is fine with loud noises. Occasionally she might startle and look a bit panicked, but she responds really well to me talking to her quietly and telling her "it's ok".


If the noise is really bad and you can't be at home, can you put your bird at a friend's place during the day when the work is taking place? It be good for socializing your bird as well!

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