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My grey suddenly turns aggressive


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Hello everyone,


Need your help and advice. Today when i went back home and tried to feed her some apple, she suddenly open up her feather and bit me. I know this one is not her normal bite. I encountered twice this incident when i placed her on her perch and i was doing my cooking. She would get down from her perch and when she was quite near to my feet, she would suddenly turn hysteria and bite my toes.


The las it happened i tried carrying her up but she bite her till i got a small cut. After that she just behaved like a normal girl.


I really don know what happen. Today, when she tried to bit me, i just close back the cage and left her alone. I could hea her calling my name ns whistling for attention. After being left a few minutes i cme back to her. Again she made that fluffy feather and angry look. When i tried talking to her and tell her how good girl she is, she began to cool down and allow me to touch her.


I really feel sad. She has being my companions when i'm down. She has been with me for so many years. She never want anyone near her except me. She knows my mood very well. I dont want to lose her.


Please help me. Is she angry with me? Is she growing up?



Oh really please help me.


Thank you in advance for any help and advice.

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Don't really know why you would think that you're maybe lossing her. Greys are tempermental and have those times when they'll do what she's doing. As far as reasons, she could be going through a hormonal stage at this time of the year. Males and females both do this but it's the female who can get really aggressive and need to be left alone. Evemn if this has never happened before, there's alway a chance that it will.

Secondly, when you're holding the bird, are you rubbing her in certain areas that can sexually excite her? Near the under part of the tail, the lower breast area, the skin between the wings and body? If so, and she's in a hormonal state, that's asking for trouble. Actualy no bird should ever be rubbed in those areas throughout the year. A bird can get sexually excited and when you stop, the bird doesn't want you to and they'll bite.

As far as feet and toes, you'll just have to prevent that from happening especially if she's sneaking up on you.

As far as cooking, eating, most people put their birds in the cage until dinner is finished because many do bite.

Don't be surprised if all of your present problems go away within 1 to 2 mts.

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Hi Dave,


Thank your for the prompt reply. Now I am slightly relieved after reading your reply. I'll take note of those pointers. I really hope she will be back as normal. Yes, i did like to touch all over her body and normally she will be angry but still she will not bite me. She is really the most gorgeous girl.


Thank you again for the enlightenment.

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