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Bonding with my TAG


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I'm afraid to disagree. Your TAG may seem to choose you by the breeder but there is NO GUARANTEE that in the end you grey will choose you as their number #1 for bonding. Greys can change their favored person and it has nothing to do with being the care giver. If your main concern is being the grey's favored person, wait until you actually move out. The bird will also feel safer being close to all members of a household rathr than placed in high traffic area but only given bonding time with you and being isolated in a busy area.


I am not my CAG's favored person. I am the caregiver, I take care of her, she loves me, but I am not her favorite- my husband is even if he only holds her once a week, she loves him most. That's the way of the grey. You can't demand being the favored person no matter what but that doesn't mean your TAG won't love you. And it's cruel to force that bond by isolating him/her.


I know that they can switch bonds. I read an article - by Jane Hallander, I think - about the differences between Congo African Greys and Timneh African Greys, where she also talked about switching bonds. Apparently according to a survey Timnehs seemed to not do it at all, and this might not be a fact, but it still shows the chances of a Timneh switching bonds. In fact, it also talked about a few Timnehs that also added other people into their group of #1's, which would be even greater if you ask me.


But anyway, I am not by ANY means, trying to isolate her. She will be in not the busiest part of the house, but one of the busiest, and she will be able to see the people sitting in the living room. (We actually kind of have two living rooms... she's in one of those.) The only thing I'm saying is that I'm her Primary Caregiver, as in, I will rotate her toys, give her fresh food and water, and yes, I WILL train her, but that doesn't mean that I'm not gonna let her interact with any others. Don't get me wrong, all the others WILL want her on their shoulders, on their hands, even giving her a light scratch if she allows it, all I was saying was that I would do most of the working and cleaning and training ._. When I walk around and she's free, I'll keep her in eyesight, meaning she WILL often be in places where the others walk around. I WILL introduce the others to her and tell her/him their names.


I was just wondering if there was a higher probability she'd bond with me, since I'm her Primary Caregiver ._. I AM gonna go to the pet shop or breeder with the WHOLE family, to make sure I choose the one that chooses me and not one of the others, but that's only because I'm selfish :P (And because the others don't, believe me, want a bird around them 24/7.)

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