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A 3 Bird Household with Morning Chaos!


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Just wanted to start a topic that I find very interesting in sharing my home and life with 3 birds all a different (sort of) species.


I have a timneh & congo, both 5 1/2 years old. And an amazon, 2 1/2 years old. I find that in the mornings when I let them out, and we all have breakfast together...all goes well. Immediately after that, they MUST have their wild active, crazy into everything time! I have to watch them all as though I have 3 toddlers. They are into EVERYTHING, chewiing, flying, yelling, knocking stuff off the counters, table, and they FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! I cant even go into the bathroom by myself for a quick minute!


I like to spend my mornings getting the laundry together, putting last nights laundry away, cleaning up, etc. They follow me from room to room....UGH!!!!!!


We spend about an hour doing that to (hopefully) get it out of their system.....

then its off to the shower where they destroy my bathroom! THEN and only THEN after

they feel they have caused enough trouble for me, do they calm down and become birds that prefer to just hang out mostly.


Just wanted to see how this fits with those of you that have more than 1 bird who they allow out and about. :confused:

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You hit the nail on the head. I know about the bathroom thing. the only time my birds use the bathroom to go is when they are on my shoulder.

We have morning out hour or so back to cage, Afternoon out back to cage, nite time out back to cage. We have to do it this way because we live in a log cabin and if we left them out all the time we would not have any walls. So it`s in out in out in out and they seam fine with it. They are always in the same room with us so thats what works for us.



P.S. we have a Congo African Grey

a Blue Fronted Amazon

and two Cockstiels inside

a pair of peacocks







Allso wild turkeys a family of deer wild ducks in the pond along with many passer by

Edited by Ray P
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My birds (the two lovies and Sully) are the same way. After about an hour, maybe an hour and a half, things begin to calm down and they usually go back to their cages for a nap.. then around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, it starts up again. So, I can work at home from 7-2... after that, there isn't a chance ;)

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I'm so glad I don't have that type of chaos! First, my bunch is content to stay in the jungle/my office, so I don't have to share the shower with them (but have been known to do that on the weekends). With two CAG's, one TAG, one Amazon and two Conures in the there, everyone gets their breakfast in their cage. We are not as socially advanced as to sit at the table and share without creating problems. The boys don't have a problem with it, the two princesses however are little Diva's that have yet to come to terms with the hierarchy of this establishment. Maybe one day. It's after breakfast and the cleanup that is chaos for me, everyone wants to help with the daily cleaning of cages and changing of papers. Dixie loves to help - so it's a tug of war with the paper towels. Yoshi is cage territorial so I have to remove her from it to clean, Morgan wants to be in the middle of his and chew on my nose and Beau likes to sit on my back which makes standing up impossible. They all hate the vacuum cleaner but Morgan is the loudest in protest. Shower time is not shared any more, I can't get all of them in there with me at the same time so we have staging of birds...lol. Paul brings them up one at a time, two on perches in the shower at a time, one on a play stand ready to go in and one on him. While one is getting misted, the other is drip drying somewhat. Once drip dried back to the jungle to bask in the warm sunlight that streams through the windows and this process is completed until all have had their bath, ending with Sterling (U2) who lives in the living room. Then Paul gets his shower, I get mine and life begins - mind you this is all accomplished before 7:30 am where I end up with my cup of coffee and my newspaper to start my day in the jungle. Everyone is out until about 3:00 when it's nap time (even for me!). Dinner is served around 5:30-6:00 and they are back out from 7:00 until 9:00. This is the daily routine except for Saturday - I sleep until 7 on this day!



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