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Who has owned an African Grey 25 or more years?


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Before I decided to get an African Grey (Coming next month) I asked my better half, when I die (I'm 38 1/2) in the future will she take care of the bird. I told her that this bird could live 40 to 50 years and may out-live me. She sort of joked, "NO". I asked her why; she told me that I can't die lol.


Owning an animal 20, 30 to 50 years is a very long time. Knowing someone who has owned an animal this long just gets me thinking of the love, dedication, commitment and sacrifices someone has had to make over the years.


I'm curious if anyone here has owned an African Grey 25 + years and wouldn't mind posting pictures of their bird. It would be great if you could post pictures of the bird as a baby throughout its life. I also think I should say good job to those of you who have kept a bird this long.

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I've got a grey that almost qualifies for 25 yrs together. But I've got a tiel that does & well, he's gray... :)


Phenix & I have only been together for 22 yrs, now. There are no baby pics because Phenix was already who knows how old when he arrived (est's 8-35 yo). There aren't even any welcome home pics because he was a rescue with issues & still hates cameras.


Sundance & I go back about 27 yrs. Pretty much the same story there when it comes to pics.



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My wife and I have had cockatiels for almost 40 years. Our oldest tiel is 21+ years old. Our grey will be eleven in Dec. and we had her all her life.Our BF Amazon is over 15 we think and she is a rehome with us for over 2 1/2 years. The oldest tiel we have had lived to 24 years.

You may have many dogs and cats over the years but your parrot may go to your funeral and take over your estate.

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