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Ray P

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Cricket is a zon of few words, but her actions speak louder that words. She can say Hi, her name Cricket and some other words, but thats it for her.

You can tell what she wants how she feels just by her action and the thing she wants the most is just to have her head rubs and to sit on my shoulder and look around at whats going on.

Cricket will put her head down just like Corky will but when Criclets head goes down it stays down and when you rub her head she goes sound a sleep and when you stop she does not move untill you wake her up, and than she puts her head down for more or she will move her body tight against my head and make quiet little sounds.

I have never seen her angrey and she always seams happy and we always enjoy our time together.

Just a little about me and Cricket

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Awwww........Cricket sounds like a sweetheart! Nilah can reac havoc also, but she loves to do the cuddles that Cricket does, only she never falls asleep. My cag, Rikki falls asleep all the time during cuddles.

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