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A Poblem already

Joe Bachi

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Hi guys,

I talked to the guy at the pet shop and he promised me that he would have greys by Tuesday.

I have been looking forward to getting this new pet and enjoying it's company :)

However I found out that our plans this summer had changed:

We have two houses, one in the city and another in a small village. Usually we spend all of the summer at the country-house, but this year things are gonna be different. My sister and I will be staying at both houses this summer while my parents stay at the country-house (hope that makes sens)

Mon --> city

Tue -->country

Wed--> city


Fri--> city

Sat--> city(till 03:00 pm)


I also work during the summer, 5 days a week, from 8:00 to 3:00

So my question is: should I take my grey with me when we have to go to the other house? Or should I just leave him in the townhouse with his cage next to the one of my two budgies?

BTW, it is a 35 minute drive between the two houses.

(I personally feel that I should take him with me, but I'm afraid that it will unsettle him especially if he's still not used to me by then :( )

Please Help



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It sounds like you're really anxious to get your new grey. But i wonder if it might be best to wait a few months until after summer, when things are more settled. That would give your new bird a better chance to settle in and get to know you. After that, I would definitely take your bird with you when you go to stay in your country house.

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There's no reason to be taking your bird back and forth all week long since they'll people in the country house all the time. When getting a new baby grey, the most important thing that should be done is something called *socilization*. That involves getting all family members involved with the bird. It's best that the bird stay at one location now. Moving a bird around usually happens when the bird is much older and is very familar with the owners and has lost it's fear of different things. Bouncing the bird back and forth isn't a good way to start off a relationship. Very bad idea. It can create a very nervous high strung bird. It needs to learn all about it's permanent home, people, habits etc.

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I have to agree with birdnut. I would wait until the end of summer to get your grey. It would be best for him, in my opinion. Socialization is very important, but so is stabilization. It would be fine to take the bird back and forth once they are older and used to you, and used to the routine, but as for a new grey- I would absolutely wait. You don't want to stress your new baby.

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Here's the thing:

The grey I'm going to buy is 2 years old (according to the salesman)

If I buy him after the summer than I will have no time to socialize with him :(

That's why I want to buy him now so that we can bond over the summer.

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New socialization happens in one place. Undivided attention must be given. That can't happen when you're working and also that means lots of time out of the cage. In the case of a 2 yr old bird, I'm gonna assume that it came from a previous owner. It had to be living somewhere in those 2 yrs. A 2 yr old bird needs extra time to get used to new owners and environment and habits and new cage space and a connection with new people. It already has habits that must be dealt with. Here in the US, a 2 yr old bird being sold usually means the bird has been owned by someone else. Pet stores don't sell adolescent birds here in the US. Breeders don't sell older birds unless the buyer can be given a history of the bird's background. Then it's up to the person to buy or not to buy. The bird needs lots of attention and that can only be given on a constant basis in one place. If you take the bird back and forth, more than likely it'll need to stay in a cage and for a grey, that's no good. So, it's up to you to make up your mind.

1---taking the bird back and forth and taking the chance that nothing will happen or

2---leaving the bird in one place so that it feels like it's living in a secure and permanent area all the time.

If you've never had a grey before, you'll find that lots of attention must be given on a constant basis and others here will tell you that too.

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The birds sold haven't been owned by anyone before as they are imported from Nigeria (again according to the salesman, but I'd much rather leave this subject till I get the bird, then we will be able to determine his age as most salesmen lie :( )

I can provide a month of 100% quality time with my bird everyday in my townhouse.

After that I will try and change my program so that I'm in the country-house Tue(pm)-Thu(pm)-Fri(pm)-Sat-Sun and I will leave his cage there.

Is that a better situation?

Also is it possible that my grey will bond with my mom or dad or the maid and not want to bond with me? (who will be in the country-house when I'm not) :confused:

[Keep in mind that my mom is scared birds, my dad will only see him briefly Mon(pm)-Wed(pm) and I don't think the maid is going to try and socialize with him :P ]

You have no idea what lengths I'm willing to go to in order to get this bird and provide it's happiness

Thank you again



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You have no idea what lengths I'm willing to go to in order to get this bird

and provide it's happiness

Then do this, when you get the bird stay in one place for at least a year until your grey is bonded to you and socialized with the family members then you can carry on with back and forth to different living locations but the bird needs a stable environment for the time being or its just gonna think he is going on to a new home, you need to give the bird some stability for it to trust you.

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