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The wonderful Aristotle


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Heres a picture of Aristotle taken this evening.



If you didnt read my introduction post, hes a little back story on where Aristotle came from: Turns out that there was a senior citizen in a town 3 hours away who was selling her beloved CAG because she was traveling more and more and that she wasnt spending enough time with it. I called and had long conversations with her about her bird for four days. I was extremely worried about traveling so far and possibly getting myself into another problem, so I proceeded with much caution. She told me that she owned "Aristotle" for about 5 years. She had got it from a co-worker before she retired.


She informed me that The bird was semi-tame, but loved to dance, whistle, sing. Since it was only her and her 18 year old granddaughter that came to visit once in a while she wanted a better home for Aristotle. She asked me a lot of questions about myself and my family. That made me feel a lot better because she was truly concerned about where her "baby" was going to end up. The price was right too, it was exactly the money I was returned, so I had a lot to think about.


I pondered about what I was going to do since I didnt want this to be another impulse buy, and I didnt want to get hurt again. I felt a bit obsessed to tell you the truth. After I got the green light from my wife, I set out on my journey to go bring Aristotle home. When I finally got there the lady had everything nice and clean for me. She included Aristotles large cage, a large playstand, a garbage bag FULL of toys and two big containers of the food she would feed him. I honestly filled up the truck with bird stuff!!!

The lady and her granddaughter both were crying as I began loaded up everything, and the bird had began to pluck his chest since she had taken it to get the wings clipped the day before. He was angry at the granddaughter and gave her a nice big bite GOODBYE she had also made me promise to make sure I provided a great home for Aristotle.

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So after getting Aristotle in my carrier, they said thier finaly goodbyes and we were on our way. We stopped at a fast food chain called Chik-Fil-A and I shared carrots and peas from my soup. Big peices of lettuce from my sandwich and Aristotle, who was whistling up a storm, seemed pretty happy. I got home real late and only brought down his cage and went to bed. In the morning, I was happy to see him and after looking him over real good, I THINK that he is a she. He has been whistling the complete andy griffiths theme song, told me "Goodbye" when I was leaving to work, and has NOT bit me once. Aristotle steps up and loves to join me in the shower. Ive had him for about a week and I am proud to say that I am in love!!! I bought a spray that helps moisturize the skin and helps with molting, as I see a lot of the little white feathers everymorning. I switched up his diet because the previous owner would feed him cockatiel food. He has a constant supply of the pellets, I feed him fruits and veggies, he loves greens... My two year old daughter keeps calling him Sherry baby, but hes a happy bird. Ive applied a lot of the tips Ive read already such as introducing him to everyone, and giving him the grand tour of the house and yard. Check out these pictures, and I'd be grateful to any feedback or advice.

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Heres an email that I sent the previous owner, so she could know that Aristotle is being well taken care of, and finally at his forever home:


Good evening,


I just wanted to let you know that Aristotle is doing wonderfully he likes me and has not bitten me. I heard him say “goodbye” to me yesterday (clearly). Even thought he doesn’t speak frequently yet, he does whistle a lot like wolf whistles and such, and I heard the Andy Griffiths theme song a couple times. My whole family loves Aristotle, and he eats the fortified pellets, the seed you gave me, and a lot of different vegetables and fruits. I also take him out at least an hour a day (or more on my days off) and I love to be with him.


He’s taken well to my daughter, and lets her touch him. (I hold his beak when this happens, just in case). Today we were in the front yard watching the kids play for about an hour and my wife took this picture so I wanted to share with you. I bought him the spray that soothes his skin and he hasn’t plucked any other feathers he even smells good. I want you to know that I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, and am so grateful to you to have allowed him to come into our lives.


I set up the cage and the play-stand together, and when I open the door to the cage, he runs out to the play-stand and watches all the action from the top loop. I read that I could wrap it in sissle rope to help his balance, so I plan on going to the home-depot and finding that…. I placed a couple of his toys in the cage, and others on the play-stand.


Aristotle really makes me happy, and I am proud to be his companion. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything. I truly appreciate you!


Have a great night.

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I appreciate that kingsnake, your getting a baby? I can tell you that it makes me so happy to hear whistle and sounds and to have this beautiful companion with me. I love when I sing to Aristotle, he gets puffy, and I know one day he'll sing back to me. Its not "just a bird" like Ive heard already. "What?!? you drove how long for just a bird?!?" or " you spent how much on just a bird!?!" I just smile and know that they dont understand what I feel. Im sure mostly everyone here understands.

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What an absolutely amazing story!!


Aristotle looks VERY happy in his/her new environment! I love that you have an outside paradise for him as well as an inside cage- absolutely amazing.

You seem to be doing everything WONDERFULLY so far! I'm very impressed!

I hope this is the beginning of something wonderful for the two of you!

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Oh- and get used to those "You did what for a BIRD?!"


I get it all the time. We spent $900 on our grey and another $300 on a cage, plus God knows how much on stuff! My friends think I'm crazy- but you do what you do for your bird... just as you would your children :)

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Yeah, I'm getting one weaned around July 20. I go through the samething with my snakes... You collect what? You drove from Florida to PA for a snake expo? You have Cobras? Are you crazy blah blah blah. I've heard it all my life that I just ignore the comments. I heard the same thing when I drove 1 1/2 hours away to buy a Rottie that had a nice price tag (Turned out to be the best dog I HAVE EVER HAD IN MY LIFE!!!!). Do what you love and enjoy, life should be enjoyed the way you want to enjoy it, I can't wait for my bird.

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Aristotle looks great from the pictures you so kindly shared with us and he is settling in but be prepared for a few set backs soon as the honeymoon phase is over and his true personality comes out but he seems like a wonderful bird.

I just smile and know that they dont understand what I feel. Im sure mostly

everyone here understands.

No one understands but us bird people and you are in good company here.

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be prepared for a few set backs soon as the honeymoon phase is over and his true personality comes out.



How long does the "honeymoon phase" usually last? Do you think that he will start using more of his vocabulary once this phase is over? I havent heard anything else latley, but I speak to him every chance I get, including words from his old vocab list i have. Not in a rush or anything like that at all, just curious.


Im so glad that I was lucky enough to find this forum, I appreciate all the knowledge.

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The honeymoon phase, from what I understand, generally lasts a few weeks to a month or so. I might be totally off by that, though. Hopefully someone else can comment with more certainty. :)


When we adopted our Marcus, I really can't say when the honeymoon period ended, nor can I recall that date with any certainty for any of our parrots. They just were here with us when before they weren't, and since they had all come from situations that weren't as good, I think the fact that their respective worlds were so different, the shock to them to be in a new situation was even greater than it would have been for a happy little baby someone brings home from the breeder or store. So they bit even during what surely was the honeymoon phase, and they were sweet too, and we all just got to know each other each time we brought someone new home. Good and bad. But for some parrots, yes, I've read the change is more pronounced once the honeymoon phase is over. Whatever happens with you and Aristotle, though, with love and patience and education the transition will be made easier. Aristotle is a beautiful Grey, regardless, and I'm just so happy you two have found each other! :)

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I think you and Aristotle both hit the jackpot at the same time. You are perfect for one another. He is happy to be in your home and senses your enthusiasm and excitement and you are talking to him and telling him your plans for him and I think he knows he is in a good place. You have a great setup and Aristotle is responding by being at his best.

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Thank you so much! I read through your thread and see that Gilbert is also where he belongs! I just hope to be as fortunate as you are with your companion! (Im sure I will be, because my flock will guide me right, and I will not fail in winning Aristotles trust and love!)

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My baby has been so sweet lately, I open the cage and she rushes to get out, When Im inside, we communicate by whisltes, and she learned how to do a "water drop" sound effect I know how to make. I LOVE MY BIRD! We do step ups with no problems, I just havent heard any human words, but a lot of diffrent sounds and whistles.

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