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At what age did your bird start to talk?


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Sully didn't start saying actual words until he was about 10 or 11 months old- but even still- they were more like just the sounds without the word- I just know what he's saying bc he sounds like me, lol.


He says "Sully-man" among other words a lot... and has said "I don't think so" once. I've read they don't really begin building their vocab until they are over a year old :)

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Rudy says about 3 words total lol she isn't a talker and she is 2 Cody will be a year July 7th and he has said hello before but not very clear what he does say real clear is chick chick chick he got that Opey because always does chicken sounds but Opey's chicken is chick chick chicken he hardly ever does the the actual chicken sound

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Cosmo didnt say clear words until 9 months or so. Its amazing looking back at old videos from back then though. We recognize him practicing words and phrases we didnt understand then but he says quite clearly today. He is 14 months old now and has about 15 words and phrases he uses quite often. Seems like he adds something new every week or so now. :)

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Moussa started talking at about 1 year old. His first words were, "Want some water?" He's 18 months now and is muttering all kinds of phrases, some understandable and some not. He mimics all the things the conures say (in their voices). He's like a little sponge now, as far as picking up new vocalizations.

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Phoebe was saying "hi" at 10 wks old. She's now 14 weeks old today and has added "hello" to her vocabulary. Her sister was saying both by the time she was 10 weeks old. I have no idea if this means she will have a large vocabulary or not. My other CAG, Z, has a huge vocabulary but I didn't adopt him until he was 7 yrs old. I'm sure he'll teach her a few things!

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Katie started saying words a week after I brought her home (6 months). She picks up words and phrases on her own. I haven't been very successful at teaching her what to say. I have taught her to say "Do you want a kiss?' when prompted, but generally she just wants to carry on conversations with the words and phrases she has learned on her own.

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Spencer started a couple months ago at age 10-11 months with PEEK-A-BOO!!! and that opened the flood gates and he's saying a number of things now and trying to say a lot more I can't understand yet. It was like someone flipped the 'on' switch :D

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