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If you could choose between a boy or girl CAG


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Which one would you get and why?


The bad news from the breeder I'm getting my CAG from (Mid/late July):


"First of all there is a problem with your baby. He has done something to hurt a foot, vet says he's pulled something and will most likely be permanent damage. We are going to wait until he is a little older to decide if it can be repaired or not. Most likely he will end up losing 1 toe. I have wanted to keep some babies for future breeders, so I will most likely keep him for that and go ahead and pair him up while he's still young."


The good news from the breeder:


"I have 3 more babies right now that are not weaned yet. I think they should be ready in about 4 weeks, so I can probably ship it to you when you are ready. I'll have them DNA'd in another week or so. Since I have 3 of them to choose from, which sex is your preference?"


Thanks for your input -



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We did not have a choise our baby grey picked us and she made her clame. I would never say one is better than the other (boy or girl)because I would be wrong.

We looked for a year for a african grey befor Corky picked us and we never looked back.

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When I went to pick my grey, I had five to choose from. Ana Grey chose me. I thought she was female and so did her breeder. Turns out, we were right. Good guess???? Who knows. I would have been happy with either. I believe you should pick your parrot when you meet the one that likes you and that you like in return. Regardless of sex. Just my opinion.

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We aren't sure if Sully is a boy or a girl, and I don't think we're going to checking into it. I don't think it really makes much of a difference, unless you have a specific name picked out :)


I know with some species of birds, girl birds are a little less friendly around mating time, but I'm not sure if that is always true :)

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When I was getting my bird, I had a choice of 2. The breeder thought they where 1 male & 1 female. I was leaning toward the female when they were very young, but as they got a little older the other (male) picked me. When I say picked me, I mean he loved to hang with me when I visited & would have spent the whole day with me if I stayed! So we picked each other. :) By the way when they were dna'd the breeder was right on her sex guesses! Pretty good!

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Unfortunately I could not find a breeder I liked close to us. I will be having my CAG flown in so I will not be able to spend any time with them prior –


The breeder currently has 3 being weaned. I think I will let them pick the one they feel is the “best” of the group regardless of its sex.




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My wife and I wanted a grey after having cockatiels for many many many years and when ever we had a chance to see one we would stop and look at them at many pet stors and when I say many I mean 30 or more.We looked at greys for over a year and one day we stoped at a small pet stor that we delt with for years for our cockatiel food and toys and we got birds there befor. They had 4 or 5 baby cag at that time so we stoped to look. This one babybgrey looked at the wife run over up her arm to here shoulder and took a big poop.

We also left a deposit. At that time Corky was 9 weeks old.

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lol what a way to pic your new mom and dad :) I always try to get a male , the laying eggs and egg binding thing scares me but sometimes I end up with females, I have 3 females for sure right now Rudy , Squiggy and Blueberry ,thank goodness Opey and Cody are boys , I'am going to dna test our new Sunconure this wednesday and I'am hopeing he is a boy , I did say hopeing lol and we for sure have a name for him/her we went with Echo wether she is a girl or a boy

I'am also looking to find someone to make me a new sig so allof my birds will be in it

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