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ugh.... How do I get him to stop ?


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Sully has found the one thing that plucks my nerves. Repeatative high-pitched screeches.


Now, I know... he's a bird- but this is like... the same noise that a fork across a plate or nails on a chalkboard... and it's loud.


I've been ignoring him when he does it. It's been two weeks. I've tried positive renforcement when he makes any other noise BUT that one... not working.



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I'm concerned that if I talk to him when he does it, he'll get the idea that that's how he gets my attention. I work from home, so he seems to do it mostly when I am working... as to get my attention. This is a fairly new behavior, and I'm hoping to nip it before it becomes a real habit. He does it while I'm looking away- and when I look at him, he just looks back at me as if to say..."What? I'm not doing anything!"


Funny, I suppose :)

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The question is do you look back when he makes the noise and if you do he has your number.

I know it`s hard to walk away when your busy and trying to get things done but at some point you need to walk away when he makes a fus and come back when he`s quiet and I know that takes a lot of time.

Unwanted nois you leave and when he calms down you come back and tell him how good he is and give him a treat some loven or whet ever spec. thing you have with him.

It does take time but hang in there in the end it`s worth it.

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Many times a grey will pick up or discover certain sounds that it can make. Most of the time those sounds or words are repeated constantly for quite a while until the bird tires of it. Then it's put in a bag of noise/sound/word storage area. Basically, a bird is practicing that noise/sound/word over and over again. Many times, it can be very irritating to a person but it's a bird's natural sound. Most of the time a person can't stop it. A person has to wait until the bird tires of it. It's the noise that's bothering you, not the bird who's doing it.


Look at it this way-------if your bird picked up a word or two and repeated it over and over and over again, would you get upset? More than likely, you wouldn't because it's a human sound that doesn't sound foreign to you. Birds repeat things over and over and over again until something new gets it's attention. Birds DO do this when learning human words. Ya just have to grin and bear it.

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Thanks for the advice :)

Dave- I see where you're coming from. He used to go "WOO!" all the time, and now he rarely says it. It seems to be mostly whistles, high pitched sounds, and clicks.


I'm really hoping he starts to pick up more words soon :)

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